1.4 KiB
1.4 KiB
class parse_error : public exception;
This exception is thrown by the library when a parse error occurs. Parse errors can occur during the deserialization of JSON text, BSON, CBOR, MessagePack, UBJSON, as well as when using JSON Patch.
Exceptions have ids 1xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error #FFFF00 {
+ const std::size_t byte
Member functions
- what - returns explanatory string
Member variables
- id - the id of the exception
- byte - byte index of the parse error
For an input with n bytes, 1 is the index of the first character and n+1 is the index of the terminating null byte or the end of file. This also holds true when reading a byte vector for binary formats.
??? example
The following code shows how a `parse_error` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/parse_error.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/parse_error.output"
Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.