improved performance for dump()

This commit is contained in:
Niels 2015-06-03 23:34:10 +02:00
parent cb873a42ed
commit 9dbb4402fb
6 changed files with 185 additions and 156 deletions

View File

@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ pretty:
src/json.hpp src/json.hpp.re2c test/unit.cpp benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp
# benchmarks
json_benchmarks: benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp benchmarks/benchpress.hpp benchmarks/cxxopts.hpp
json_benchmarks: benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp benchmarks/benchpress.hpp benchmarks/cxxopts.hpp src/json.hpp
$(CXX) -std=c++11 $(CXXFLAGS) -O3 -flto -I src -I benchmarks $< $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version: '{build}'
os: Visual Studio 2015 RC
os: MinGW
init: []
install: []

View File

@ -49,12 +49,15 @@ BENCHMARK("dump jeopardy.json", [](benchpress::context* ctx)
std::ifstream input_file("benchmarks/files/jeopardy/jeopardy.json");
nlohmann::json j;
j << input_file;
std::ofstream output_file("jeopardy.dump.json");
for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->num_iterations(); ++i)
output_file << j;
BENCHMARK("dump jeopardy.json with indent", [](benchpress::context* ctx)
@ -62,10 +65,13 @@ BENCHMARK("dump jeopardy.json with indent", [](benchpress::context* ctx)
std::ifstream input_file("benchmarks/files/jeopardy/jeopardy.json");
nlohmann::json j;
j << input_file;
std::ofstream output_file("jeopardy.dump.json");
for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx->num_iterations(); ++i)
output_file << std::setw(4) << j;

View File

@ -779,14 +779,18 @@ class basic_json
inline string_t dump(const int indent = -1) const noexcept
std::stringstream ss;
if (indent >= 0)
return dump(true, static_cast<unsigned int>(indent));
dump(ss, true, static_cast<unsigned int>(indent));
return dump(false, 0);
dump(ss, false, 0);
return ss.str();
/// return the type of the object (explicit)
@ -1964,19 +1968,21 @@ class basic_json
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const basic_json& j)
// read width member and use it as indentation parameter if nonzero
const int indentation = (o.width() == 0) ? -1 : o.width();
const bool prettyPrint = (o.width() > 0);
const auto indentation = (prettyPrint ? o.width() : 0);
o << j.dump(indentation);
// reset width to 0 for subsequent calls to this stream
// do the actual serialization
j.dump(o, prettyPrint, indentation);
return o;
/// serialize to stream
friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json& j, std::ostream& o)
// read width member and use it as indentation parameter if nonzero
const int indentation = (o.width() == 0) ? -1 : o.width();
o << j.dump(indentation);
o << j;
return o;
@ -2067,15 +2073,11 @@ class basic_json
characters by a sequence of "\u" followed by a four-digit hex
@param o the stream to write the escaped string to
@param s the string to escape
@return escaped string
static string_t escape_string(const string_t& s) noexcept
static void escape_string(std::ostream& o, const string_t& s) noexcept
// create a result string of at least the size than s
string_t result;
for (const auto c : s)
switch (c)
@ -2083,49 +2085,49 @@ class basic_json
// quotation mark (0x22)
case '"':
result += "\\\"";
o << "\\\"";
// reverse solidus (0x5c)
case '\\':
result += "\\\\";
o << "\\\\";
// backspace (0x08)
case '\b':
result += "\\b";
o << "\\b";
// formfeed (0x0c)
case '\f':
result += "\\f";
o << "\\f";
// newline (0x0a)
case '\n':
result += "\\n";
o << "\\n";
// carriage return (0x0d)
case '\r':
result += "\\r";
o << "\\r";
// horizontal tab (0x09)
case '\t':
result += "\\t";
o << "\\t";
@ -2135,24 +2137,19 @@ class basic_json
// control characters (everything between 0x00 and 0x1f)
// -> create four-digit hex representation
std::basic_stringstream<typename string_t::value_type> ss;
ss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << int(c);
result += ss.str();
o << "\\u" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << int(c);
// all other characters are added as-is
result.append(1, c);
o << c;
return result;
@brief internal implementation of the serialization function
@ -2166,108 +2163,115 @@ class basic_json
- floating-point numbers are converted to a string using "%g" format
@param o stream to write to
@param prettyPrint whether the output shall be pretty-printed
@param indentStep the indent level
@param currentIndent the current indent level (only used internally)
inline string_t dump(const bool prettyPrint, const unsigned int indentStep,
const unsigned int currentIndent = 0) const noexcept
inline void dump(std::ostream& o, const bool prettyPrint, const unsigned int indentStep,
const unsigned int currentIndent = 0) const noexcept
// variable to hold indentation for recursive calls
auto new_indent = currentIndent;
// helper function to return whitespace as indentation
const auto indent = [prettyPrint, &new_indent]()
return prettyPrint ? string_t(new_indent, ' ') : string_t();
switch (m_type)
case (value_t::object):
if (m_value.object->empty())
return "{}";
o << "{}";
string_t result = "{";
o << "{";
// increase indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent += indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
for (auto i = m_value.object->cbegin(); i != m_value.object->cend(); ++i)
if (i != m_value.object->cbegin())
result += prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",";
o << (prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",");
result += indent() + "\"" + escape_string(i->first) + "\":" + (prettyPrint ? " " : "")
+ i->second.dump(prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') << "\"";
escape_string(o, i->first);
o << "\":" << (prettyPrint ? " " : "");
i->second.dump(o, prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
// decrease indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent -= indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
return result + indent() + "}";
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') + "}";
case (value_t::array):
if (m_value.array->empty())
return "[]";
o << "[]";
string_t result = "[";
o << "[";
// increase indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent += indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
for (auto i = m_value.array->cbegin(); i != m_value.array->cend(); ++i)
if (i != m_value.array->cbegin())
result += prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",";
o << (prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",");
result += indent() + i->dump(prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ');
i->dump(o, prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
// decrease indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent -= indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
return result + indent() + "]";
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') << "]";
case (value_t::string):
return string_t("\"") + escape_string(*m_value.string) + "\"";
o << string_t("\"");
escape_string(o, *m_value.string);
o << "\"";
case (value_t::boolean):
return m_value.boolean ? "true" : "false";
o << (m_value.boolean ? "true" : "false");
case (value_t::number_integer):
return std::to_string(m_value.number_integer);
o << m_value.number_integer;
case (value_t::number_float):
@ -2277,16 +2281,20 @@ class basic_json
const auto sz = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, "%.15g", m_value.number_float));
std::vector<typename string_t::value_type> buf(sz + 1);
std::snprintf(&buf[0], buf.size(), "%.15g", m_value.number_float);
return string_t(;
o <<;
case (value_t::discarded):
return "<discarded>";
o << "<discarded>";
return "null";
o << "null";

View File

@ -779,14 +779,18 @@ class basic_json
inline string_t dump(const int indent = -1) const noexcept
std::stringstream ss;
if (indent >= 0)
return dump(true, static_cast<unsigned int>(indent));
dump(ss, true, static_cast<unsigned int>(indent));
return dump(false, 0);
dump(ss, false, 0);
return ss.str();
/// return the type of the object (explicit)
@ -1964,19 +1968,21 @@ class basic_json
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const basic_json& j)
// read width member and use it as indentation parameter if nonzero
const int indentation = (o.width() == 0) ? -1 : o.width();
const bool prettyPrint = (o.width() > 0);
const auto indentation = (prettyPrint ? o.width() : 0);
o << j.dump(indentation);
// reset width to 0 for subsequent calls to this stream
// do the actual serialization
j.dump(o, prettyPrint, indentation);
return o;
/// serialize to stream
friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json& j, std::ostream& o)
// read width member and use it as indentation parameter if nonzero
const int indentation = (o.width() == 0) ? -1 : o.width();
o << j.dump(indentation);
o << j;
return o;
@ -2067,15 +2073,11 @@ class basic_json
characters by a sequence of "\u" followed by a four-digit hex
@param o the stream to write the escaped string to
@param s the string to escape
@return escaped string
static string_t escape_string(const string_t& s) noexcept
static void escape_string(std::ostream& o, const string_t& s) noexcept
// create a result string of at least the size than s
string_t result;
for (const auto c : s)
switch (c)
@ -2083,49 +2085,49 @@ class basic_json
// quotation mark (0x22)
case '"':
result += "\\\"";
o << "\\\"";
// reverse solidus (0x5c)
case '\\':
result += "\\\\";
o << "\\\\";
// backspace (0x08)
case '\b':
result += "\\b";
o << "\\b";
// formfeed (0x0c)
case '\f':
result += "\\f";
o << "\\f";
// newline (0x0a)
case '\n':
result += "\\n";
o << "\\n";
// carriage return (0x0d)
case '\r':
result += "\\r";
o << "\\r";
// horizontal tab (0x09)
case '\t':
result += "\\t";
o << "\\t";
@ -2135,24 +2137,19 @@ class basic_json
// control characters (everything between 0x00 and 0x1f)
// -> create four-digit hex representation
std::basic_stringstream<typename string_t::value_type> ss;
ss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << int(c);
result += ss.str();
o << "\\u" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << int(c);
// all other characters are added as-is
result.append(1, c);
o << c;
return result;
@brief internal implementation of the serialization function
@ -2166,108 +2163,115 @@ class basic_json
- floating-point numbers are converted to a string using "%g" format
@param o stream to write to
@param prettyPrint whether the output shall be pretty-printed
@param indentStep the indent level
@param currentIndent the current indent level (only used internally)
inline string_t dump(const bool prettyPrint, const unsigned int indentStep,
const unsigned int currentIndent = 0) const noexcept
inline void dump(std::ostream& o, const bool prettyPrint, const unsigned int indentStep,
const unsigned int currentIndent = 0) const noexcept
// variable to hold indentation for recursive calls
auto new_indent = currentIndent;
// helper function to return whitespace as indentation
const auto indent = [prettyPrint, &new_indent]()
return prettyPrint ? string_t(new_indent, ' ') : string_t();
switch (m_type)
case (value_t::object):
if (m_value.object->empty())
return "{}";
o << "{}";
string_t result = "{";
o << "{";
// increase indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent += indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
for (auto i = m_value.object->cbegin(); i != m_value.object->cend(); ++i)
if (i != m_value.object->cbegin())
result += prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",";
o << (prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",");
result += indent() + "\"" + escape_string(i->first) + "\":" + (prettyPrint ? " " : "")
+ i->second.dump(prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') << "\"";
escape_string(o, i->first);
o << "\":" << (prettyPrint ? " " : "");
i->second.dump(o, prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
// decrease indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent -= indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
return result + indent() + "}";
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') + "}";
case (value_t::array):
if (m_value.array->empty())
return "[]";
o << "[]";
string_t result = "[";
o << "[";
// increase indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent += indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
for (auto i = m_value.array->cbegin(); i != m_value.array->cend(); ++i)
if (i != m_value.array->cbegin())
result += prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",";
o << (prettyPrint ? ",\n" : ",");
result += indent() + i->dump(prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ');
i->dump(o, prettyPrint, indentStep, new_indent);
// decrease indentation
if (prettyPrint)
new_indent -= indentStep;
result += "\n";
o << "\n";
return result + indent() + "]";
o << string_t(new_indent, ' ') << "]";
case (value_t::string):
return string_t("\"") + escape_string(*m_value.string) + "\"";
o << string_t("\"");
escape_string(o, *m_value.string);
o << "\"";
case (value_t::boolean):
return m_value.boolean ? "true" : "false";
o << (m_value.boolean ? "true" : "false");
case (value_t::number_integer):
return std::to_string(m_value.number_integer);
o << m_value.number_integer;
case (value_t::number_float):
@ -2277,16 +2281,20 @@ class basic_json
const auto sz = static_cast<unsigned int>(std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, "%.15g", m_value.number_float));
std::vector<typename string_t::value_type> buf(sz + 1);
std::snprintf(&buf[0], buf.size(), "%.15g", m_value.number_float);
return string_t(;
o <<;
case (value_t::discarded):
return "<discarded>";
o << "<discarded>";
return "null";
o << "null";

View File

@ -7162,45 +7162,52 @@ TEST_CASE("convenience functions")
SECTION("string escape")
CHECK(json::escape_string("\"") == "\\\"");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\\") == "\\\\");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\b") == "\\b");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\f") == "\\f");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\n") == "\\n");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\r") == "\\r");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\t") == "\\t");
auto escape_string = [](const std::string & s)
std::stringstream ss;
json::escape_string(ss, s);
return ss.str();
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x01") == "\\u0001");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x02") == "\\u0002");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x03") == "\\u0003");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x04") == "\\u0004");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x05") == "\\u0005");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x06") == "\\u0006");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x07") == "\\u0007");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x08") == "\\b");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x09") == "\\t");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0a") == "\\n");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0b") == "\\u000b");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0c") == "\\f");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0d") == "\\r");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0e") == "\\u000e");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x0f") == "\\u000f");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x10") == "\\u0010");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x11") == "\\u0011");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x12") == "\\u0012");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x13") == "\\u0013");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x14") == "\\u0014");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x15") == "\\u0015");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x16") == "\\u0016");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x17") == "\\u0017");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x18") == "\\u0018");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x19") == "\\u0019");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1a") == "\\u001a");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1b") == "\\u001b");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1c") == "\\u001c");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1d") == "\\u001d");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1e") == "\\u001e");
CHECK(json::escape_string("\x1f") == "\\u001f");
CHECK(escape_string("\"") == "\\\"");
CHECK(escape_string("\\") == "\\\\");
CHECK(escape_string("\b") == "\\b");
CHECK(escape_string("\f") == "\\f");
CHECK(escape_string("\n") == "\\n");
CHECK(escape_string("\r") == "\\r");
CHECK(escape_string("\t") == "\\t");
CHECK(escape_string("\x01") == "\\u0001");
CHECK(escape_string("\x02") == "\\u0002");
CHECK(escape_string("\x03") == "\\u0003");
CHECK(escape_string("\x04") == "\\u0004");
CHECK(escape_string("\x05") == "\\u0005");
CHECK(escape_string("\x06") == "\\u0006");
CHECK(escape_string("\x07") == "\\u0007");
CHECK(escape_string("\x08") == "\\b");
CHECK(escape_string("\x09") == "\\t");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0a") == "\\n");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0b") == "\\u000b");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0c") == "\\f");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0d") == "\\r");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0e") == "\\u000e");
CHECK(escape_string("\x0f") == "\\u000f");
CHECK(escape_string("\x10") == "\\u0010");
CHECK(escape_string("\x11") == "\\u0011");
CHECK(escape_string("\x12") == "\\u0012");
CHECK(escape_string("\x13") == "\\u0013");
CHECK(escape_string("\x14") == "\\u0014");
CHECK(escape_string("\x15") == "\\u0015");
CHECK(escape_string("\x16") == "\\u0016");
CHECK(escape_string("\x17") == "\\u0017");
CHECK(escape_string("\x18") == "\\u0018");
CHECK(escape_string("\x19") == "\\u0019");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1a") == "\\u001a");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1b") == "\\u001b");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1c") == "\\u001c");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1d") == "\\u001d");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1e") == "\\u001e");
CHECK(escape_string("\x1f") == "\\u001f");