2018-01-16 22:40:24 +03:00
# pragma once
2017-08-14 16:19:40 +03:00
# include <exception> // exception
# include <stdexcept> // runtime_error
# include <string> // to_string
namespace nlohmann
namespace detail
// exceptions //
@ brief general exception of the @ ref basic_json class
This class is an extension of ` std : : exception ` objects with a member @ a id for
exception ids . It is used as the base class for all exceptions thrown by the
@ ref basic_json class . This class can hence be used as " wildcard " to catch
exceptions .
Subclasses :
- @ ref parse_error for exceptions indicating a parse error
- @ ref invalid_iterator for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
- @ ref type_error for exceptions indicating executing a member function with
a wrong type
- @ ref out_of_range for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
- @ ref other_error for exceptions indicating other library errors
@ internal
@ note To have nothrow - copy - constructible exceptions , we internally use
` std : : runtime_error ` which can cope with arbitrary - length error messages .
Intermediate strings are built with static functions and then passed to
the actual constructor .
@ endinternal
@ liveexample { The following code shows how arbitrary library exceptions can be
caught . , exception }
@ since version 3.0 .0
class exception : public std : : exception
public :
/// returns the explanatory string
const char * what ( ) const noexcept override
return m . what ( ) ;
/// the id of the exception
const int id ;
protected :
exception ( int id_ , const char * what_arg ) : id ( id_ ) , m ( what_arg ) { }
static std : : string name ( const std : : string & ename , int id_ )
return " [json.exception. " + ename + " . " + std : : to_string ( id_ ) + " ] " ;
private :
/// an exception object as storage for error messages
std : : runtime_error m ;
} ;
@ brief exception indicating a parse error
This exception is thrown by the library when a parse error occurs . Parse errors
can occur during the deserialization of JSON text , CBOR , MessagePack , as well
as when using JSON Patch .
Member @ a byte holds the byte index of the last read character in the input
file .
Exceptions have ids 1 xx .
name / id | example message | description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
json . exception . parse_error .101 | parse error at 2 : unexpected end of input ; expected string literal | This error indicates a syntax error while deserializing a JSON text . The error message describes that an unexpected token ( character ) was encountered , and the member @ a byte indicates the error position .
json . exception . parse_error .102 | parse error at 14 : missing or wrong low surrogate | JSON uses the ` \ uxxxx ` format to describe Unicode characters . Code points above above 0xFFFF are split into two ` \ uxxxx ` entries ( " surrogate pairs " ) . This error indicates that the surrogate pair is incomplete or contains an invalid code point .
json . exception . parse_error .103 | parse error : code points above 0x10FFFF are invalid | Unicode supports code points up to 0x10FFFF . Code points above 0x10FFFF are invalid .
json . exception . parse_error .104 | parse error : JSON patch must be an array of objects | [ RFC 6902 ] ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902) requires a JSON Patch document to be a JSON document that represents an array of objects.
json . exception . parse_error .105 | parse error : operation must have string member ' op ' | An operation of a JSON Patch document must contain exactly one " op " member , whose value indicates the operation to perform . Its value must be one of " add " , " remove " , " replace " , " move " , " copy " , or " test " ; other values are errors .
json . exception . parse_error .106 | parse error : array index ' 01 ' must not begin with ' 0 ' | An array index in a JSON Pointer ( [ RFC 6901 ] ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901)) may be `0` or any number without a leading `0`.
json . exception . parse_error .107 | parse error : JSON pointer must be empty or begin with ' / ' - was : ' foo ' | A JSON Pointer must be a Unicode string containing a sequence of zero or more reference tokens , each prefixed by a ` / ` character .
json . exception . parse_error .108 | parse error : escape character ' ~ ' must be followed with ' 0 ' or ' 1 ' | In a JSON Pointer , only ` ~ 0 ` and ` ~ 1 ` are valid escape sequences .
json . exception . parse_error .109 | parse error : array index ' one ' is not a number | A JSON Pointer array index must be a number .
json . exception . parse_error .110 | parse error at 1 : cannot read 2 bytes from vector | When parsing CBOR or MessagePack , the byte vector ends before the complete value has been read .
json . exception . parse_error .112 | parse error at 1 : error reading CBOR ; last byte : 0xF8 | Not all types of CBOR or MessagePack are supported . This exception occurs if an unsupported byte was read .
json . exception . parse_error .113 | parse error at 2 : expected a CBOR string ; last byte : 0x98 | While parsing a map key , a value that is not a string has been read .
@ note For an input with n bytes , 1 is the index of the first character and n + 1
is the index of the terminating null byte or the end of file . This also
holds true when reading a byte vector ( CBOR or MessagePack ) .
@ liveexample { The following code shows how a ` parse_error ` exception can be
caught . , parse_error }
@ sa @ ref exception for the base class of the library exceptions
@ sa @ ref invalid_iterator for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
@ sa @ ref type_error for exceptions indicating executing a member function with
a wrong type
@ sa @ ref out_of_range for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
@ sa @ ref other_error for exceptions indicating other library errors
@ since version 3.0 .0
class parse_error : public exception
public :
@ brief create a parse error exception
@ param [ in ] id_ the id of the exception
@ param [ in ] byte_ the byte index where the error occurred ( or 0 if the
position cannot be determined )
@ param [ in ] what_arg the explanatory string
@ return parse_error object
static parse_error create ( int id_ , std : : size_t byte_ , const std : : string & what_arg )
std : : string w = exception : : name ( " parse_error " , id_ ) + " parse error " +
( byte_ ! = 0 ? ( " at " + std : : to_string ( byte_ ) ) : " " ) +
" : " + what_arg ;
return parse_error ( id_ , byte_ , w . c_str ( ) ) ;
@ brief byte index of the parse error
The byte index of the last read character in the input file .
@ note For an input with n bytes , 1 is the index of the first character and
n + 1 is the index of the terminating null byte or the end of file .
This also holds true when reading a byte vector ( CBOR or MessagePack ) .
const std : : size_t byte ;
private :
parse_error ( int id_ , std : : size_t byte_ , const char * what_arg )
: exception ( id_ , what_arg ) , byte ( byte_ ) { }
} ;
@ brief exception indicating errors with iterators
This exception is thrown if iterators passed to a library function do not match
the expected semantics .
Exceptions have ids 2 xx .
name / id | example message | description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
json . exception . invalid_iterator .201 | iterators are not compatible | The iterators passed to constructor @ ref basic_json ( InputIT first , InputIT last ) are not compatible , meaning they do not belong to the same container . Therefore , the range ( @ a first , @ a last ) is invalid .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .202 | iterator does not fit current value | In an erase or insert function , the passed iterator @ a pos does not belong to the JSON value for which the function was called . It hence does not define a valid position for the deletion / insertion .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .203 | iterators do not fit current value | Either iterator passed to function @ ref erase ( IteratorType first , IteratorType last ) does not belong to the JSON value from which values shall be erased . It hence does not define a valid range to delete values from .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .204 | iterators out of range | When an iterator range for a primitive type ( number , boolean , or string ) is passed to a constructor or an erase function , this range has to be exactly ( @ ref begin ( ) , @ ref end ( ) ) , because this is the only way the single stored value is expressed . All other ranges are invalid .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .205 | iterator out of range | When an iterator for a primitive type ( number , boolean , or string ) is passed to an erase function , the iterator has to be the @ ref begin ( ) iterator , because it is the only way to address the stored value . All other iterators are invalid .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .206 | cannot construct with iterators from null | The iterators passed to constructor @ ref basic_json ( InputIT first , InputIT last ) belong to a JSON null value and hence to not define a valid range .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .207 | cannot use key ( ) for non - object iterators | The key ( ) member function can only be used on iterators belonging to a JSON object , because other types do not have a concept of a key .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .208 | cannot use operator [ ] for object iterators | The operator [ ] to specify a concrete offset cannot be used on iterators belonging to a JSON object , because JSON objects are unordered .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .209 | cannot use offsets with object iterators | The offset operators ( + , - , + = , - = ) cannot be used on iterators belonging to a JSON object , because JSON objects are unordered .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .210 | iterators do not fit | The iterator range passed to the insert function are not compatible , meaning they do not belong to the same container . Therefore , the range ( @ a first , @ a last ) is invalid .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .211 | passed iterators may not belong to container | The iterator range passed to the insert function must not be a subrange of the container to insert to .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .212 | cannot compare iterators of different containers | When two iterators are compared , they must belong to the same container .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .213 | cannot compare order of object iterators | The order of object iterators cannot be compared , because JSON objects are unordered .
json . exception . invalid_iterator .214 | cannot get value | Cannot get value for iterator : Either the iterator belongs to a null value or it is an iterator to a primitive type ( number , boolean , or string ) , but the iterator is different to @ ref begin ( ) .
@ liveexample { The following code shows how an ` invalid_iterator ` exception can be
caught . , invalid_iterator }
@ sa @ ref exception for the base class of the library exceptions
@ sa @ ref parse_error for exceptions indicating a parse error
@ sa @ ref type_error for exceptions indicating executing a member function with
a wrong type
@ sa @ ref out_of_range for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
@ sa @ ref other_error for exceptions indicating other library errors
@ since version 3.0 .0
class invalid_iterator : public exception
public :
static invalid_iterator create ( int id_ , const std : : string & what_arg )
std : : string w = exception : : name ( " invalid_iterator " , id_ ) + what_arg ;
return invalid_iterator ( id_ , w . c_str ( ) ) ;
private :
invalid_iterator ( int id_ , const char * what_arg )
: exception ( id_ , what_arg ) { }
} ;
@ brief exception indicating executing a member function with a wrong type
This exception is thrown in case of a type error ; that is , a library function is
executed on a JSON value whose type does not match the expected semantics .
Exceptions have ids 3 xx .
name / id | example message | description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
json . exception . type_error .301 | cannot create object from initializer list | To create an object from an initializer list , the initializer list must consist only of a list of pairs whose first element is a string . When this constraint is violated , an array is created instead .
json . exception . type_error .302 | type must be object , but is array | During implicit or explicit value conversion , the JSON type must be compatible to the target type . For instance , a JSON string can only be converted into string types , but not into numbers or boolean types .
json . exception . type_error .303 | incompatible ReferenceType for get_ref , actual type is object | To retrieve a reference to a value stored in a @ ref basic_json object with @ ref get_ref , the type of the reference must match the value type . For instance , for a JSON array , the @ a ReferenceType must be @ ref array_t & .
json . exception . type_error .304 | cannot use at ( ) with string | The @ ref at ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .305 | cannot use operator [ ] with string | The @ ref operator [ ] member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .306 | cannot use value ( ) with string | The @ ref value ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .307 | cannot use erase ( ) with string | The @ ref erase ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .308 | cannot use push_back ( ) with string | The @ ref push_back ( ) and @ ref operator + = member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .309 | cannot use insert ( ) with | The @ ref insert ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .310 | cannot use swap ( ) with number | The @ ref swap ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .311 | cannot use emplace_back ( ) with string | The @ ref emplace_back ( ) member function can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .312 | cannot use update ( ) with string | The @ ref update ( ) member functions can only be executed for certain JSON types .
json . exception . type_error .313 | invalid value to unflatten | The @ ref unflatten function converts an object whose keys are JSON Pointers back into an arbitrary nested JSON value . The JSON Pointers must not overlap , because then the resulting value would not be well defined .
json . exception . type_error .314 | only objects can be unflattened | The @ ref unflatten function only works for an object whose keys are JSON Pointers .
json . exception . type_error .315 | values in object must be primitive | The @ ref unflatten function only works for an object whose keys are JSON Pointers and whose values are primitive .
json . exception . type_error .316 | invalid UTF - 8 byte at index 10 : 0x7E | The @ ref dump function only works with UTF - 8 encoded strings ; that is , if you assign a ` std : : string ` to a JSON value , make sure it is UTF - 8 encoded . |
@ liveexample { The following code shows how a ` type_error ` exception can be
caught . , type_error }
@ sa @ ref exception for the base class of the library exceptions
@ sa @ ref parse_error for exceptions indicating a parse error
@ sa @ ref invalid_iterator for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
@ sa @ ref out_of_range for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
@ sa @ ref other_error for exceptions indicating other library errors
@ since version 3.0 .0
class type_error : public exception
public :
static type_error create ( int id_ , const std : : string & what_arg )
std : : string w = exception : : name ( " type_error " , id_ ) + what_arg ;
return type_error ( id_ , w . c_str ( ) ) ;
private :
type_error ( int id_ , const char * what_arg ) : exception ( id_ , what_arg ) { }
} ;
@ brief exception indicating access out of the defined range
This exception is thrown in case a library function is called on an input
parameter that exceeds the expected range , for instance in case of array
indices or nonexisting object keys .
Exceptions have ids 4 xx .
name / id | example message | description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
json . exception . out_of_range .401 | array index 3 is out of range | The provided array index @ a i is larger than @ a size - 1.
json . exception . out_of_range .402 | array index ' - ' ( 3 ) is out of range | The special array index ` - ` in a JSON Pointer never describes a valid element of the array , but the index past the end . That is , it can only be used to add elements at this position , but not to read it .
json . exception . out_of_range .403 | key ' foo ' not found | The provided key was not found in the JSON object .
json . exception . out_of_range .404 | unresolved reference token ' foo ' | A reference token in a JSON Pointer could not be resolved .
json . exception . out_of_range .405 | JSON pointer has no parent | The JSON Patch operations ' remove ' and ' add ' can not be applied to the root element of the JSON value .
json . exception . out_of_range .406 | number overflow parsing ' 10E1000 ' | A parsed number could not be stored as without changing it to NaN or INF .
2018-01-14 19:22:06 +03:00
json . exception . out_of_range .407 | number overflow serializing ' 9223372036854775808 ' | UBJSON only supports integers numbers up to 9223372036854775807. |
2018-02-07 00:38:53 +03:00
json . exception . out_of_range .408 | excessive array size : 8658170730974374167 | The size ( following ` # ` ) of an UBJSON array or object exceeds the maximal capacity . |
2017-08-14 16:19:40 +03:00
@ liveexample { The following code shows how an ` out_of_range ` exception can be
caught . , out_of_range }
@ sa @ ref exception for the base class of the library exceptions
@ sa @ ref parse_error for exceptions indicating a parse error
@ sa @ ref invalid_iterator for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
@ sa @ ref type_error for exceptions indicating executing a member function with
a wrong type
@ sa @ ref other_error for exceptions indicating other library errors
@ since version 3.0 .0
class out_of_range : public exception
public :
static out_of_range create ( int id_ , const std : : string & what_arg )
std : : string w = exception : : name ( " out_of_range " , id_ ) + what_arg ;
return out_of_range ( id_ , w . c_str ( ) ) ;
private :
out_of_range ( int id_ , const char * what_arg ) : exception ( id_ , what_arg ) { }
} ;
@ brief exception indicating other library errors
This exception is thrown in case of errors that cannot be classified with the
other exception types .
Exceptions have ids 5 xx .
name / id | example message | description
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
json . exception . other_error .501 | unsuccessful : { " op " : " test " , " path " : " /baz " , " value " : " bar " } | A JSON Patch operation ' test ' failed . The unsuccessful operation is also printed .
@ sa @ ref exception for the base class of the library exceptions
@ sa @ ref parse_error for exceptions indicating a parse error
@ sa @ ref invalid_iterator for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
@ sa @ ref type_error for exceptions indicating executing a member function with
a wrong type
@ sa @ ref out_of_range for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
@ liveexample { The following code shows how an ` other_error ` exception can be
caught . , other_error }
@ since version 3.0 .0
class other_error : public exception
public :
static other_error create ( int id_ , const std : : string & what_arg )
std : : string w = exception : : name ( " other_error " , id_ ) + what_arg ;
return other_error ( id_ , w . c_str ( ) ) ;
private :
other_error ( int id_ , const char * what_arg ) : exception ( id_ , what_arg ) { }
} ;