cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.2) project( googletest-distribution ) enable_testing() include(CMakeDependentOption) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.5) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR "bin" CACHE STRING "User executables (bin)") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR "lib${LIB_SUFFIX}" CACHE STRING "Object code libraries (lib)") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "include" CACHE STRING "C header files (include)") mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR) else() include(GNUInstallDirs) endif() option(BUILD_GTEST "Builds the googletest subproject" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(INSTALL_GTEST "Enable installation of googletest. (Projects embedding googletest may want to turn this OFF.)" ON "BUILD_GTEST OR BUILD_GMOCK" OFF) #Note that googlemock target already builds googletest option(BUILD_GMOCK "Builds the googlemock subproject" ON) cmake_dependent_option(INSTALL_GMOCK "Enable installation of googlemock. (Projects embedding googlemock may want to turn this OFF.)" ON "BUILD_GMOCK" OFF) if(BUILD_GMOCK) add_subdirectory( googlemock ) elseif(BUILD_GTEST) add_subdirectory( googletest ) endif()