/* Formatting library tests. Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Victor Zverovich All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Check if format.h compiles with windows.h included. #ifdef _WIN32 # include #endif #if FMT_USE_DUP # include # include # include # ifdef _WIN32 # include # define O_WRONLY _O_WRONLY # define O_CREAT _O_CREAT # define O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC # define S_IRUSR _S_IREAD # define S_IWUSR _S_IWRITE # define close _close # define dup _dup # define dup2 _dup2 namespace { int open(const char *path, int oflag, int pmode) { int fd = -1; _sopen_s(&fd, path, oflag, _SH_DENYNO, pmode); return fd; } } # else # include # endif #endif #include "format.h" #include "gtest-extra.h" #include #undef min #undef max using std::size_t; using fmt::internal::Array; using fmt::BasicWriter; using fmt::Format; using fmt::FormatError; using fmt::StringRef; using fmt::Writer; using fmt::WWriter; using fmt::pad; namespace { // Checks if writing value to BasicWriter produces the same result // as writing it to std::basic_ostringstream. template static ::testing::AssertionResult CheckWrite(const T &value, const char *type) { std::basic_ostringstream os; os << value; std::basic_string expected = os.str(); std::basic_string actual = str(BasicWriter() << value); if (expected == actual) return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "Value of: str(Writer<" << type << ">() << value)\n" << " Actual: " << actual << "\n" << "Expected: " << expected << "\n"; } struct AnyWriteChecker { template ::testing::AssertionResult operator()(const char *, const T &value) const { ::testing::AssertionResult result = CheckWrite(value, "char"); return result ? CheckWrite(value, "wchar_t") : result; } }; template struct WriteChecker { template ::testing::AssertionResult operator()(const char *, const T &value) const { return CheckWrite(value, "char"); } }; // Checks if writing value to BasicWriter produces the same result // as writing it to std::ostringstream both for char and wchar_t. #define CHECK_WRITE(value) EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT1(AnyWriteChecker(), value) #define CHECK_WRITE_CHAR(value) \ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT1(WriteChecker(), value) #define CHECK_WRITE_WCHAR(value) \ EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT1(WriteChecker(), value) // Increment a number in a string. void Increment(char *s) { for (int i = static_cast(std::strlen(s)) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (s[i] != '9') { ++s[i]; break; } s[i] = '0'; } } enum {BUFFER_SIZE = 256}; #ifdef _MSC_VER # define vsnprintf vsprintf_s #endif void SPrintf(char *buffer, const char *format, ...) { std::va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, format, args); va_end(args); } std::string ReadFile(fmt::StringRef filename) { std::ifstream out(filename.c_str()); std::stringstream content; content << out.rdbuf(); return content.str(); } } TEST(UtilTest, Increment) { char s[10] = "123"; Increment(s); EXPECT_STREQ("124", s); s[2] = '8'; Increment(s); EXPECT_STREQ("129", s); Increment(s); EXPECT_STREQ("130", s); s[1] = s[2] = '9'; Increment(s); EXPECT_STREQ("200", s); } // Tests fmt::internal::CountDigits for integer type Int. template void TestCountDigits(Int) { for (Int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(1u, fmt::internal::CountDigits(i)); for (Int i = 1, n = 1, end = std::numeric_limits::max() / 10; n <= end; ++i) { n *= 10; EXPECT_EQ(i, fmt::internal::CountDigits(n - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, fmt::internal::CountDigits(n)); } } TEST(UtilTest, CountDigits) { TestCountDigits(uint32_t()); TestCountDigits(uint64_t()); } #ifdef _WIN32 TEST(UtilTest, UTF16ToUTF8) { std::string s = "ёжик"; fmt::internal::UTF16ToUTF8 u(L"\x0451\x0436\x0438\x043A"); EXPECT_EQ(s, fmt::str(u)); EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), u.size()); } TEST(UtilTest, UTF8ToUTF16) { std::string s = "лошадка"; fmt::internal::UTF8ToUTF16 u(s.c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(L"\x043B\x043E\x0448\x0430\x0434\x043A\x0430", fmt::str(u)); EXPECT_EQ(7, u.size()); } template void CheckUTFConversionError(const char *message) { fmt::Writer out; fmt::internal::FormatWinErrorMessage(out, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, message); fmt::SystemError error("", 0); try { Converter(0); } catch (const fmt::SystemError &e) { error = e; } EXPECT_EQ(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, error.error_code()); EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), error.what()); } TEST(UtilTest, UTF16ToUTF8Error) { CheckUTFConversionError( "cannot convert string from UTF-16 to UTF-8"); } TEST(UtilTest, UTF8ToUTF16Error) { CheckUTFConversionError( "cannot convert string from UTF-8 to UTF-16"); } TEST(UtilTest, UTF16ToUTF8Convert) { fmt::internal::UTF16ToUTF8 u; EXPECT_EQ(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, u.Convert(0)); } #endif // _WIN32 TEST(UtilTest, StrError) { using fmt::internal::StrError; char *message = 0; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; #ifndef NDEBUG EXPECT_DEBUG_DEATH(StrError(EDOM, message = 0, 0), "Assertion"); EXPECT_DEBUG_DEATH(StrError(EDOM, message = buffer, 0), "Assertion"); #endif buffer[0] = 'x'; #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE // Use invalid error code to make sure that StrError returns an error // message in the buffer rather than a pointer to a static string. int error_code = -1; #else int error_code = EDOM; #endif int result = StrError(error_code, message = buffer, 1); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, message); // Message should point to buffer. EXPECT_EQ(ERANGE, result); EXPECT_STREQ("", message); result = StrError(error_code, message = buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); EXPECT_EQ(0, result); std::size_t message_size = std::strlen(message); EXPECT_GE(BUFFER_SIZE - 1u, message_size); EXPECT_STREQ(strerror(error_code), message); result = StrError(error_code, message = buffer, message_size); EXPECT_EQ(ERANGE, result); } TEST(UtilTest, SystemError) { fmt::SystemError e(fmt::StringRef("test"), 42); EXPECT_STREQ("test", e.what()); EXPECT_EQ(42, e.error_code()); } typedef void (*FormatErrorMessage)( fmt::Writer &out, int error_code, fmt::StringRef message); template void CheckErrorSink(int error_code, FormatErrorMessage format) { fmt::SystemError error("", 0); Sink sink(error_code); fmt::Writer w; w << "test"; try { sink(w); } catch (const fmt::SystemError &e) { error = e; } fmt::Writer message; format(message, error_code, "test"); EXPECT_EQ(str(message), error.what()); EXPECT_EQ(error_code, error.error_code()); } template void CheckThrowError(int error_code, FormatErrorMessage format, fmt::Formatter (*throw_error)(int error_code, StringRef format)) { fmt::SystemError error("", 0); try { throw_error(error_code, "test {}") << "error"; } catch (const fmt::SystemError &e) { error = e; } fmt::Writer message; format(message, error_code, "test error"); EXPECT_EQ(str(message), error.what()); EXPECT_EQ(error_code, error.error_code()); } TEST(UtilTest, FormatSystemErrorMessage) { fmt::Writer message; fmt::internal::FormatSystemErrorMessage(message, EDOM, "test"); EXPECT_EQ(str(fmt::Format("test: {}") << strerror(EDOM)), fmt::str(message)); } TEST(UtilTest, SystemErrorSink) { CheckErrorSink( EDOM, fmt::internal::FormatSystemErrorMessage); } TEST(UtilTest, ThrowSystemError) { CheckThrowError(EDOM, fmt::internal::FormatSystemErrorMessage, fmt::ThrowSystemError); } #ifdef _WIN32 TEST(UtilTest, FormatWinErrorMessage) { LPWSTR message = 0; FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, 0, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), reinterpret_cast(&message), 0, 0); fmt::internal::UTF16ToUTF8 utf8_message(message); LocalFree(message); fmt::Writer actual_message; fmt::internal::FormatWinErrorMessage( actual_message, ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, "test"); EXPECT_EQ(str(fmt::Format("test: {}") << fmt::str(utf8_message)), fmt::str(actual_message)); } TEST(UtilTest, WinErrorSink) { CheckErrorSink( ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, fmt::internal::FormatWinErrorMessage); } TEST(UtilTest, ThrowWinError) { CheckThrowError(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS, fmt::internal::FormatWinErrorMessage, fmt::ThrowWinError); } #endif // _WIN32 class TestString { private: std::string value_; public: explicit TestString(const char *value = "") : value_(value) {} friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TestString &s) { os << s.value_; return os; } }; TEST(ArrayTest, Ctor) { Array array; EXPECT_EQ(0u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(123u, array.capacity()); } #if FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES void CheckMoveArray(const char *str, Array &array) { Array array2(std::move(array)); // Move shouldn't destroy the inline content of the first array. EXPECT_EQ(str, std::string(&array[0], array.size())); EXPECT_EQ(str, std::string(&array2[0], array2.size())); EXPECT_EQ(5, array2.capacity()); } TEST(ArrayTest, MoveCtor) { Array array; const char test[] = "test"; array.append(test, test + 4); CheckMoveArray("test", array); // Adding one more character fills the inline buffer, but doesn't cause // dynamic allocation. array.push_back('a'); CheckMoveArray("testa", array); const char *inline_buffer_ptr = &array[0]; // Adding one more character causes the content to move from the inline to // a dynamically allocated buffer. array.push_back('b'); Array array2(std::move(array)); // Move should rip the guts of the first array. EXPECT_EQ(inline_buffer_ptr, &array[0]); EXPECT_EQ("testab", std::string(&array2[0], array2.size())); EXPECT_GT(array2.capacity(), 5u); } void CheckMoveAssignArray(const char *str, Array &array) { Array array2; array2 = std::move(array); // Move shouldn't destroy the inline content of the first array. EXPECT_EQ(str, std::string(&array[0], array.size())); EXPECT_EQ(str, std::string(&array2[0], array2.size())); EXPECT_EQ(5, array2.capacity()); } TEST(ArrayTest, MoveAssignment) { Array array; const char test[] = "test"; array.append(test, test + 4); CheckMoveAssignArray("test", array); // Adding one more character fills the inline buffer, but doesn't cause // dynamic allocation. array.push_back('a'); CheckMoveAssignArray("testa", array); const char *inline_buffer_ptr = &array[0]; // Adding one more character causes the content to move from the inline to // a dynamically allocated buffer. array.push_back('b'); Array array2; array2 = std::move(array); // Move should rip the guts of the first array. EXPECT_EQ(inline_buffer_ptr, &array[0]); EXPECT_EQ("testab", std::string(&array2[0], array2.size())); EXPECT_GT(array2.capacity(), 5u); } #endif // FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES TEST(ArrayTest, Access) { Array array; array[0] = 11; EXPECT_EQ(11, array[0]); array[3] = 42; EXPECT_EQ(42, *(&array[0] + 3)); const Array &carray = array; EXPECT_EQ(42, carray[3]); } TEST(ArrayTest, Resize) { Array array; array[10] = 42; EXPECT_EQ(42, array[10]); array.resize(20); EXPECT_EQ(20u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(123u, array.capacity()); EXPECT_EQ(42, array[10]); array.resize(5); EXPECT_EQ(5u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(123u, array.capacity()); EXPECT_EQ(42, array[10]); } TEST(ArrayTest, Grow) { Array array; array.resize(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) array[i] = i * i; array.resize(20); EXPECT_EQ(20u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(20u, array.capacity()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(i * i, array[i]); } TEST(ArrayTest, Clear) { Array array; array.resize(20); array.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(0u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(20u, array.capacity()); } TEST(ArrayTest, PushBack) { Array array; array.push_back(11); EXPECT_EQ(11, array[0]); EXPECT_EQ(1u, array.size()); array.resize(10); array.push_back(22); EXPECT_EQ(22, array[10]); EXPECT_EQ(11u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(15u, array.capacity()); } TEST(ArrayTest, Append) { Array array; const char *test = "test"; array.append(test, test + 5); EXPECT_STREQ("test", &array[0]); EXPECT_EQ(5u, array.size()); array.resize(10); array.append(test, test + 2); EXPECT_EQ('t', array[10]); EXPECT_EQ('e', array[11]); EXPECT_EQ(12u, array.size()); EXPECT_EQ(15u, array.capacity()); } TEST(WriterTest, Ctor) { Writer w; EXPECT_EQ(0u, w.size()); EXPECT_STREQ("", w.c_str()); EXPECT_EQ("", w.str()); } #if FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES void CheckMoveWriter(const std::string &str, Writer &w) { Writer w2(std::move(w)); // Move shouldn't destroy the inline content of the first writer. EXPECT_EQ(str, w.str()); EXPECT_EQ(str, w2.str()); } TEST(WriterTest, MoveCtor) { Writer w; w << "test"; CheckMoveWriter("test", w); // This fills the inline buffer, but doesn't cause dynamic allocation. std::string s; for (int i = 0; i < fmt::internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) s += '*'; w.Clear(); w << s; CheckMoveWriter(s, w); const char *inline_buffer_ptr = w.data(); // Adding one more character causes the content to move from the inline to // a dynamically allocated buffer. w << '*'; Writer w2(std::move(w)); // Move should rip the guts of the first writer. EXPECT_EQ(inline_buffer_ptr, w.data()); EXPECT_EQ(s + '*', w2.str()); } void CheckMoveAssignWriter(const std::string &str, Writer &w) { Writer w2; w2 = std::move(w); // Move shouldn't destroy the inline content of the first writer. EXPECT_EQ(str, w.str()); EXPECT_EQ(str, w2.str()); } TEST(WriterTest, MoveAssignment) { Writer w; w << "test"; CheckMoveAssignWriter("test", w); // This fills the inline buffer, but doesn't cause dynamic allocation. std::string s; for (int i = 0; i < fmt::internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) s += '*'; w.Clear(); w << s; CheckMoveAssignWriter(s, w); const char *inline_buffer_ptr = w.data(); // Adding one more character causes the content to move from the inline to // a dynamically allocated buffer. w << '*'; Writer w2; w2 = std::move(w); // Move should rip the guts of the first writer. EXPECT_EQ(inline_buffer_ptr, w.data()); EXPECT_EQ(s + '*', w2.str()); } #endif // FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES TEST(WriterTest, Data) { Writer w; w << 42; EXPECT_EQ("42", std::string(w.data(), w.size())); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteInt) { CHECK_WRITE(42); CHECK_WRITE(-42); CHECK_WRITE(static_cast(12)); CHECK_WRITE(34u); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::min()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteLong) { CHECK_WRITE(56l); CHECK_WRITE(78ul); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::min()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteLongLong) { CHECK_WRITE(56ll); CHECK_WRITE(78ull); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::min()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); CHECK_WRITE(std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteDouble) { CHECK_WRITE(4.2); CHECK_WRITE(-4.2); CHECK_WRITE(4.2l); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteDoubleAtBufferBoundary) { fmt::Writer writer; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) writer << 1.23456789; } TEST(WriterTest, WriteDoubleWithFilledBuffer) { fmt::Writer writer; // Fill the buffer. for (int i = 0; i < fmt::internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) writer << ' '; writer << 1.2; EXPECT_STREQ("1.2", writer.c_str() + fmt::internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteChar) { CHECK_WRITE('a'); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteWideChar) { CHECK_WRITE_WCHAR(L'a'); } TEST(WriterTest, WriteString) { CHECK_WRITE_CHAR("abc"); // The following line shouldn't compile: //fmt::Writer() << L"abc"; } TEST(WriterTest, WriteWideString) { CHECK_WRITE_WCHAR(L"abc"); // The following line shouldn't compile: //fmt::WWriter() << "abc"; } TEST(WriterTest, bin) { using fmt::bin; EXPECT_EQ("1100101011111110", str(Writer() << bin(0xcafe))); EXPECT_EQ("1011101010111110", str(Writer() << bin(0xbabeu))); EXPECT_EQ("1101111010101101", str(Writer() << bin(0xdeadl))); EXPECT_EQ("1011111011101111", str(Writer() << bin(0xbeeful))); EXPECT_EQ("11001010111111101011101010111110", str(Writer() << bin(0xcafebabell))); EXPECT_EQ("11011110101011011011111011101111", str(Writer() << bin(0xdeadbeefull))); } TEST(WriterTest, oct) { using fmt::oct; EXPECT_EQ("12", str(Writer() << oct(static_cast(012)))); EXPECT_EQ("12", str(Writer() << oct(012))); EXPECT_EQ("34", str(Writer() << oct(034u))); EXPECT_EQ("56", str(Writer() << oct(056l))); EXPECT_EQ("70", str(Writer() << oct(070ul))); EXPECT_EQ("1234", str(Writer() << oct(01234ll))); EXPECT_EQ("5670", str(Writer() << oct(05670ull))); } TEST(WriterTest, hex) { using fmt::hex; fmt::IntFormatSpec > (*phex)(int value) = hex; phex(42); // This shouldn't compile: //fmt::IntFormatSpec > (*phex2)(short value) = hex; EXPECT_EQ("cafe", str(Writer() << hex(0xcafe))); EXPECT_EQ("babe", str(Writer() << hex(0xbabeu))); EXPECT_EQ("dead", str(Writer() << hex(0xdeadl))); EXPECT_EQ("beef", str(Writer() << hex(0xbeeful))); EXPECT_EQ("cafebabe", str(Writer() << hex(0xcafebabell))); EXPECT_EQ("deadbeef", str(Writer() << hex(0xdeadbeefull))); } TEST(WriterTest, hexu) { using fmt::hexu; EXPECT_EQ("CAFE", str(Writer() << hexu(0xcafe))); EXPECT_EQ("BABE", str(Writer() << hexu(0xbabeu))); EXPECT_EQ("DEAD", str(Writer() << hexu(0xdeadl))); EXPECT_EQ("BEEF", str(Writer() << hexu(0xbeeful))); EXPECT_EQ("CAFEBABE", str(Writer() << hexu(0xcafebabell))); EXPECT_EQ("DEADBEEF", str(Writer() << hexu(0xdeadbeefull))); } class Date { int year_, month_, day_; public: Date(int year, int month, int day) : year_(year), month_(month), day_(day) {} int year() const { return year_; } int month() const { return month_; } int day() const { return day_; } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Date &d) { os << d.year_ << '-' << d.month_ << '-' << d.day_; return os; } template friend BasicWriter &operator<<(BasicWriter &f, const Date &d) { return f << d.year_ << '-' << d.month_ << '-' << d.day_; } }; class ISO8601DateFormatter { const Date *date_; public: ISO8601DateFormatter(const Date &d) : date_(&d) {} template friend BasicWriter &operator<<( BasicWriter &w, const ISO8601DateFormatter &d) { return w << pad(d.date_->year(), 4, '0') << '-' << pad(d.date_->month(), 2, '0') << '-' << pad(d.date_->day(), 2, '0'); } }; ISO8601DateFormatter iso8601(const Date &d) { return ISO8601DateFormatter(d); } TEST(WriterTest, pad) { using fmt::hex; EXPECT_EQ(" cafe", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xcafe), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" babe", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xbabeu), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" dead", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xdeadl), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" beef", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xbeeful), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" dead", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xdeadll), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" beef", str(Writer() << pad(hex(0xbeefull), 8))); EXPECT_EQ(" 11", str(Writer() << pad(11, 7))); EXPECT_EQ(" 22", str(Writer() << pad(22u, 7))); EXPECT_EQ(" 33", str(Writer() << pad(33l, 7))); EXPECT_EQ(" 44", str(Writer() << pad(44ul, 7))); EXPECT_EQ(" 33", str(Writer() << pad(33ll, 7))); EXPECT_EQ(" 44", str(Writer() << pad(44ull, 7))); BasicWriter f; f.Clear(); f << pad(42, 5, '0'); EXPECT_EQ("00042", f.str()); f.Clear(); f << Date(2012, 12, 9); EXPECT_EQ("2012-12-9", f.str()); f.Clear(); f << iso8601(Date(2012, 1, 9)); EXPECT_EQ("2012-01-09", f.str()); } TEST(WriterTest, PadString) { EXPECT_EQ("test ", str(Writer() << pad("test", 8))); EXPECT_EQ("test******", str(Writer() << pad("test", 10, '*'))); } TEST(WriterTest, PadWString) { EXPECT_EQ(L"test ", str(WWriter() << pad(L"test", 8))); EXPECT_EQ(L"test******", str(WWriter() << pad(L"test", 10, '*'))); EXPECT_EQ(L"test******", str(WWriter() << pad(L"test", 10, L'*'))); } TEST(WriterTest, NoConflictWithIOManip) { using namespace std; using namespace fmt; EXPECT_EQ("cafe", str(Writer() << hex(0xcafe))); EXPECT_EQ("12", str(Writer() << oct(012))); } TEST(WriterTest, Format) { Writer w; w.Format("part{0}") << 1; EXPECT_EQ(strlen("part1"), w.size()); EXPECT_STREQ("part1", w.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("part1", w.data()); EXPECT_EQ("part1", w.str()); w.Format("part{0}") << 2; EXPECT_EQ(strlen("part1part2"), w.size()); EXPECT_STREQ("part1part2", w.c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("part1part2", w.data()); EXPECT_EQ("part1part2", w.str()); } TEST(WriterTest, WWriter) { EXPECT_EQ(L"cafe", str(fmt::WWriter() << fmt::hex(0xcafe))); } TEST(FormatterTest, Escape) { EXPECT_EQ("{", str(Format("{{"))); EXPECT_EQ("before {", str(Format("before {{"))); EXPECT_EQ("{ after", str(Format("{{ after"))); EXPECT_EQ("before { after", str(Format("before {{ after"))); EXPECT_EQ("}", str(Format("}}"))); EXPECT_EQ("before }", str(Format("before }}"))); EXPECT_EQ("} after", str(Format("}} after"))); EXPECT_EQ("before } after", str(Format("before }} after"))); EXPECT_EQ("{}", str(Format("{{}}"))); EXPECT_EQ("{42}", str(Format("{{{0}}}") << 42)); } TEST(FormatterTest, UnmatchedBraces) { EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{"), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("}"), FormatError, "unmatched '}' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0{}"), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); } TEST(FormatterTest, NoArgs) { EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("test"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, ArgsInDifferentPositions) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("before 42", str(Format("before {0}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42 after", str(Format("{0} after") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("before 42 after", str(Format("before {0} after") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("answer = 42", str(Format("{0} = {1}") << "answer" << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42 is the answer", str(Format("{1} is the {0}") << "answer" << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("abracadabra", str(Format("{0}{1}{0}") << "abra" << "cad")); } TEST(FormatterTest, ArgErrors) { EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{"), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{x}"), FormatError, "invalid argument index in format string"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0"), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}"), FormatError, "argument index is out of range in format"); char format[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(format, "{%u", UINT_MAX); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); SPrintf(format, "{%u}", UINT_MAX); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "argument index is out of range in format"); SPrintf(format, "{%u", UINT_MAX); Increment(format + 1); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); std::size_t size = std::strlen(format); format[size] = '}'; format[size + 1] = 0; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "number is too big in format"); } TEST(FormatterTest, AutoArgIndex) { EXPECT_EQ("abc", str(Format("{}{}{}") << 'a' << 'b' << 'c')); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}{}") << 'a' << 'b', FormatError, "cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{}{0}") << 'a' << 'b', FormatError, "cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing"); EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{:.{}}") << 1.2345 << 2)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}:.{}") << 1.2345 << 2, FormatError, "cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{:.{0}}") << 1.2345 << 2, FormatError, "cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{}"), FormatError, "argument index is out of range in format"); } TEST(FormatterTest, EmptySpecs) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:}") << 42)); } TEST(FormatterTest, LeftAlign) { EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<4}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<4o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<4x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("-42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("-42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("-42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("-42 ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_EQ("c ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ("abc ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << "abc")); EXPECT_EQ("0xface ", str(Format("{0:<8}") << reinterpret_cast(0xface))); EXPECT_EQ("def ", str(Format("{0:<5}") << TestString("def"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, RightAlign) { EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>4}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>4o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>4x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:>5}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_EQ(" c", str(Format("{0:>5}") << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ(" abc", str(Format("{0:>5}") << "abc")); EXPECT_EQ(" 0xface", str(Format("{0:>8}") << reinterpret_cast(0xface))); EXPECT_EQ(" def", str(Format("{0:>5}") << TestString("def"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, NumericAlign) { EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=4}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("+ 42", str(Format("{0:=+4}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=4o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ("+ 42", str(Format("{0:=+4o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=4x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("+ 42", str(Format("{0:=+4x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("- 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("- 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("- 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("- 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("- 42", str(Format("{0:=5}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:=5") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:=5}") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:=5}") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:=8}") << reinterpret_cast(0xface), FormatError, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:=5}") << TestString("def"), FormatError, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, CenterAlign) { EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42 ", str(Format("{0:^6}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42 ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_EQ(" c ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ(" abc ", str(Format("{0:^6}") << "abc")); EXPECT_EQ(" 0xface ", str(Format("{0:^8}") << reinterpret_cast(0xface))); EXPECT_EQ(" def ", str(Format("{0:^5}") << TestString("def"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, Fill) { EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:{<5}") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:{<5}}") << 'c', FormatError, "invalid fill character '{'"); EXPECT_EQ("**42", str(Format("{0:*>4}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("**-42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("***42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("**-42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ("***42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("**-42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("***42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("**-42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("**-42", str(Format("{0:*>5}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_EQ("c****", str(Format("{0:*<5}") << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ("abc**", str(Format("{0:*<5}") << "abc")); EXPECT_EQ("**0xface", str(Format("{0:*>8}") << reinterpret_cast(0xface))); EXPECT_EQ("def**", str(Format("{0:*<5}") << TestString("def"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, PlusSign) { EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:+}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << 42u, FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << 42ul, FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42ll)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << 42ull, FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("+42", str(Format("{0:+}") << 42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << reinterpret_cast(0x42), FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << TestString(), FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, MinusSign) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:-}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << 42u, FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << 42ul, FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42ll)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << 42ull, FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:-}") << 42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << reinterpret_cast(0x42), FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:-}") << TestString(), FormatError, "format specifier '-' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, SpaceSign) { EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0: }") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << 42u, FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << 42ul, FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42ll)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << 42ull, FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires signed argument"); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42.0)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0: }") << 42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: ") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << reinterpret_cast(0x42), FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0: }") << TestString(), FormatError, "format specifier ' ' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, HashFlag) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:#}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:#}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("0b101010", str(Format("{0:#b}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("0B101010", str(Format("{0:#B}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-0b101010", str(Format("{0:#b}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("0X42", str(Format("{0:#X}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("-0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << -0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ("-042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << -042)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:#}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42u)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042u)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:#}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42l)); EXPECT_EQ("-0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << -0x42l)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042l)); EXPECT_EQ("-042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << -042l)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:#}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042ul)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:#}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("-0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << -0x42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042ll)); EXPECT_EQ("-042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << -042ll)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:#}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("0x42", str(Format("{0:#x}") << 0x42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("042", str(Format("{0:#o}") << 042ull)); EXPECT_EQ("-42.0000", str(Format("{0:#}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("-42.0000", str(Format("{0:#}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:#") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:#}") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:#}") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:#}") << reinterpret_cast(0x42), FormatError, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:#}") << TestString(), FormatError, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, ZeroFlag) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:0}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("-0042", str(Format("{0:05}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("00042", str(Format("{0:05}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("-0042", str(Format("{0:05}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ("00042", str(Format("{0:05}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("-0042", str(Format("{0:05}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("00042", str(Format("{0:05}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ("-0042", str(Format("{0:05}") << -42.0)); EXPECT_EQ("-0042", str(Format("{0:05}") << -42.0l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:0") << 'c', FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << 'c', FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << "abc", FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << reinterpret_cast(0x42), FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << TestString(), FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, Width) { char format[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(format, "{0:%u", UINT_MAX); Increment(format + 3); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); std::size_t size = std::strlen(format); format[size] = '}'; format[size + 1] = 0; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "number is too big in format"); SPrintf(format, "{0:%u", INT_MAX + 1u); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); SPrintf(format, "{0:%u}", INT_MAX + 1u); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "number is too big in format"); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:4}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:5}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:6}") << -42l)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:7}") << 42ul)); EXPECT_EQ(" -42", str(Format("{0:6}") << -42ll)); EXPECT_EQ(" 42", str(Format("{0:7}") << 42ull)); EXPECT_EQ(" -1.23", str(Format("{0:8}") << -1.23)); EXPECT_EQ(" -1.23", str(Format("{0:9}") << -1.23l)); EXPECT_EQ(" 0xcafe", str(Format("{0:10}") << reinterpret_cast(0xcafe))); EXPECT_EQ("x ", str(Format("{0:11}") << 'x')); EXPECT_EQ("str ", str(Format("{0:12}") << "str")); EXPECT_EQ("test ", str(Format("{0:13}") << TestString("test"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, Precision) { char format[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(format, "{0:.%u", UINT_MAX); Increment(format + 4); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); std::size_t size = std::strlen(format); format[size] = '}'; format[size + 1] = 0; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "number is too big in format"); SPrintf(format, "{0:.%u", INT_MAX + 1u); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); SPrintf(format, "{0:.%u}", INT_MAX + 1u); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "number is too big in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.") << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.}") << 0, FormatError, "missing precision in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2") << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42u, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42u, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42l, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42l, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42ul, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42ul, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42ll, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42ll, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42ull, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42ull, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{0:.2}") << 1.2345)); EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{0:.2}") << 1.2345l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << reinterpret_cast(0xcafe), FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << reinterpret_cast(0xcafe), FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 'x', FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 'x', FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << "str", FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << "str", FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << TestString(), FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << TestString(), FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); } TEST(FormatterTest, RuntimePrecision) { char format[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(format, "{0:.{%u", UINT_MAX); Increment(format + 4); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); std::size_t size = std::strlen(format); format[size] = '}'; format[size + 1] = 0; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); format[size + 1] = '}'; format[size + 2] = 0; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << 0, FormatError, "number is too big in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{") << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{}") << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{x}}") << 0, FormatError, "invalid argument index in format string"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}") << 0 << 0, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0, FormatError, "argument index is out of range in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << -1, FormatError, "negative precision in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << (INT_MAX + 1u), FormatError, "number is too big in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << -1l, FormatError, "negative precision in format"); if (sizeof(long) > sizeof(int)) { long value = INT_MAX; EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << (value + 1), FormatError, "number is too big in format"); } EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << (INT_MAX + 1ul), FormatError, "number is too big in format"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << '0', FormatError, "precision is not integer"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 0 << 0.0, FormatError, "precision is not integer"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42 << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42 << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42u << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42u << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42l << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42l << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42ul << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42ul << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42ll << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42ll << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 42ull << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 42ull << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 1.2345 << 2)); EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{1:.{0}}") << 2 << 1.2345l)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << reinterpret_cast(0xcafe) << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << reinterpret_cast(0xcafe) << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << 'x' << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << 'x' << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << "str" << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << "str" << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}}") << TestString() << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.{1}f}") << TestString() << 2, FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument"); } template void CheckUnknownTypes( const T &value, const char *types, const char *type_name) { char format[BUFFER_SIZE], message[BUFFER_SIZE]; const char *special = ".0123456789}"; for (int i = CHAR_MIN; i <= CHAR_MAX; ++i) { char c = i; if (std::strchr(types, c) || std::strchr(special, c) || !c) continue; SPrintf(format, "{0:10%c}", c); if (std::isprint(static_cast(c))) SPrintf(message, "unknown format code '%c' for %s", c, type_name); else SPrintf(message, "unknown format code '\\x%02x' for %s", c, type_name); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format) << value, FormatError, message) << format << " " << message; } } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatBool) { EXPECT_EQ(L"1", str(Format(L"{}") << true)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatShort) { short s = 42; EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:d}") << s)); unsigned short us = 42; EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:d}") << us)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatInt) { EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:v") << 42, FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format"); CheckUnknownTypes(42, "bBdoxX", "integer"); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatBin) { EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:b}") << 0)); EXPECT_EQ("101010", str(Format("{0:b}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("101010", str(Format("{0:b}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("-101010", str(Format("{0:b}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("11000000111001", str(Format("{0:b}") << 12345)); EXPECT_EQ("10010001101000101011001111000", str(Format("{0:b}") << 0x12345678)); EXPECT_EQ("10010000101010111100110111101111", str(Format("{0:b}") << 0x90ABCDEF)); EXPECT_EQ("11111111111111111111111111111111", str(Format("{0:b}") << std::numeric_limits::max())); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatDec) { EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0}") << 0)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:d}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42u)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0}") << -42)); EXPECT_EQ("12345", str(Format("{0}") << 12345)); EXPECT_EQ("67890", str(Format("{0}") << 67890)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "%d", INT_MIN); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << INT_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%d", INT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << INT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%u", UINT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << UINT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%ld", 0 - static_cast(LONG_MIN)); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << LONG_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%ld", LONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << LONG_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%lu", ULONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << ULONG_MAX)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatHex) { EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x42u)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:x}") << -0x42)); EXPECT_EQ("12345678", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x12345678)); EXPECT_EQ("90abcdef", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x90abcdef)); EXPECT_EQ("12345678", str(Format("{0:X}") << 0x12345678)); EXPECT_EQ("90ABCDEF", str(Format("{0:X}") << 0x90ABCDEF)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "-%x", 0 - static_cast(INT_MIN)); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << INT_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%x", INT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << INT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%x", UINT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << UINT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "-%lx", 0 - static_cast(LONG_MIN)); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << LONG_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%lx", LONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << LONG_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%lx", ULONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << ULONG_MAX)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatOct) { EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:o}") << 0)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:o}") << 042)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:o}") << 042u)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:o}") << -042)); EXPECT_EQ("12345670", str(Format("{0:o}") << 012345670)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "-%o", 0 - static_cast(INT_MIN)); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << INT_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%o", INT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << INT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%o", UINT_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << UINT_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "-%lo", 0 - static_cast(LONG_MIN)); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << LONG_MIN)); SPrintf(buffer, "%lo", LONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << LONG_MAX)); SPrintf(buffer, "%lo", ULONG_MAX); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:o}") << ULONG_MAX)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatFloat) { EXPECT_EQ("392.500000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 392.5f)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatDouble) { CheckUnknownTypes(1.2, "eEfFgG", "double"); EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:}") << 0.0)); EXPECT_EQ("0.000000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 0.0)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:}") << 392.65)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:g}") << 392.65)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:G}") << 392.65)); EXPECT_EQ("392.650000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 392.65)); EXPECT_EQ("392.650000", str(Format("{0:F}") << 392.65)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "%e", 392.65); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:e}") << 392.65)); SPrintf(buffer, "%E", 392.65); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:E}") << 392.65)); EXPECT_EQ("+0000392.6", str(Format("{0:+010.4g}") << 392.65)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatNaN) { double nan = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); EXPECT_EQ("nan", str(Format("{}") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ("+nan", str(Format("{:+}") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ("-nan", str(Format("{}") << -nan)); EXPECT_EQ(" nan", str(Format("{: }") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ("NAN", str(Format("{:F}") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ("nan ", str(Format("{:<7}") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ(" nan ", str(Format("{:^7}") << nan)); EXPECT_EQ(" nan", str(Format("{:>7}") << nan)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatInfinity) { double inf = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); EXPECT_EQ("inf", str(Format("{}") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ("+inf", str(Format("{:+}") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ("-inf", str(Format("{}") << -inf)); EXPECT_EQ(" inf", str(Format("{: }") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ("INF", str(Format("{:F}") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ("inf ", str(Format("{:<7}") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ(" inf ", str(Format("{:^7}") << inf)); EXPECT_EQ(" inf", str(Format("{:>7}") << inf)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatLongDouble) { EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:}") << 0.0l)); EXPECT_EQ("0.000000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 0.0l)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:}") << 392.65l)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:g}") << 392.65l)); EXPECT_EQ("392.65", str(Format("{0:G}") << 392.65l)); EXPECT_EQ("392.650000", str(Format("{0:f}") << 392.65l)); EXPECT_EQ("392.650000", str(Format("{0:F}") << 392.65l)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "%Le", 392.65l); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:e}") << 392.65l)); SPrintf(buffer, "%LE", 392.65l); EXPECT_EQ("+0000392.6", str(Format("{0:+010.4g}") << 392.65l)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatChar) { CheckUnknownTypes('a', "c", "char"); EXPECT_EQ("a", str(Format("{0}") << 'a')); EXPECT_EQ("z", str(Format("{0:c}") << 'z')); EXPECT_EQ(L"a", str(Format(L"{0}") << 'a')); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatWChar) { EXPECT_EQ(L"a", str(Format(L"{0}") << L'a')); // This shouldn't compile: //Format("{}") << L'a'; } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatCString) { CheckUnknownTypes("test", "s", "string"); EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("{0}") << "test")); EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("{0:s}") << "test")); char nonconst[] = "nonconst"; EXPECT_EQ("nonconst", str(Format("{0}") << nonconst)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}") << reinterpret_cast(0), FormatError, "string pointer is null"); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatPointer) { CheckUnknownTypes(reinterpret_cast(0x1234), "p", "pointer"); EXPECT_EQ("0x0", str(Format("{0}") << reinterpret_cast(0))); EXPECT_EQ("0x1234", str(Format("{0}") << reinterpret_cast(0x1234))); EXPECT_EQ("0x1234", str(Format("{0:p}") << reinterpret_cast(0x1234))); EXPECT_EQ("0x" + std::string(sizeof(void*) * CHAR_BIT / 4, 'f'), str(Format("{0}") << reinterpret_cast(~uintptr_t()))); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatString) { EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("{0}") << std::string("test"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatStringRef) { EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("{0}") << StringRef("test"))); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatUsingIOStreams) { EXPECT_EQ("a string", str(Format("{0}") << TestString("a string"))); std::string s = str(fmt::Format("The date is {0}") << Date(2012, 12, 9)); EXPECT_EQ("The date is 2012-12-9", s); Date date(2012, 12, 9); CheckUnknownTypes(date, "", "object"); } class Answer {}; template void Format(BasicWriter &f, const fmt::FormatSpec &spec, Answer) { f.Write("42", spec); } TEST(FormatterTest, CustomFormat) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << Answer())); } TEST(FormatterTest, WideFormatString) { EXPECT_EQ(L"42", str(Format(L"{}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ(L"4.2", str(Format(L"{}") << 4.2)); EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", str(Format(L"{}") << L"abc")); EXPECT_EQ(L"z", str(Format(L"{}") << L'z')); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatStringFromSpeedTest) { EXPECT_EQ("1.2340000000:0042:+3.13:str:0x3e8:X:%", str(Format("{0:0.10f}:{1:04}:{2:+g}:{3}:{4}:{5}:%") << 1.234 << 42 << 3.13 << "str" << reinterpret_cast(1000) << 'X')); } TEST(FormatterTest, StringAccess) { Writer w; EXPECT_EQ("1", str(w.Format("{0}") << 1)); EXPECT_STREQ("12", c_str(w.Format("{0}") << 2)); } TEST(FormatterTest, FormatExamples) { using fmt::hex; EXPECT_EQ("0000cafe", str(BasicWriter() << pad(hex(0xcafe), 8, '0'))); std::string message = str(Format("The answer is {}") << 42); EXPECT_EQ("The answer is 42", message); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format(std::string("{}")) << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format(Format("{{}}")) << 42)); Writer writer; writer.Format("Current point:\n"); writer.Format("({0:+f}, {1:+f})\n") << -3.14 << 3.14; EXPECT_EQ("Current point:\n(-3.140000, +3.140000)\n", writer.str()); { fmt::Writer writer; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) writer.Format("{}") << i; std::string s = writer.str(); // s == 0123456789 EXPECT_EQ("0123456789", s); } EXPECT_THROW({ const char *filename = "nonexistent"; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) fmt::ThrowSystemError(errno, "Cannot open file '{}'") << filename; }, fmt::SystemError); } TEST(FormatterTest, StrNamespace) { str(Format("")); c_str(Format("")); } TEST(FormatterTest, ExceptionInNestedFormat) { // Exception in nested format may cause Arg's destructor be called before // the argument has been attached to a Formatter object. EXPECT_THROW(Format(Format("{}")) << 42;, FormatError); } TEST(StringRefTest, Ctor) { EXPECT_STREQ("abc", StringRef("abc").c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, StringRef("abc").size()); EXPECT_STREQ("defg", StringRef(std::string("defg")).c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(4u, StringRef(std::string("defg")).size()); } TEST(StringRefTest, ConvertToString) { std::string s = StringRef("abc"); EXPECT_EQ("abc", s); } TEST(FormatterTest, Ctor) { fmt::Formatter<> f1("test"); fmt::Formatter<> f1copy(f1); fmt::Formatter<> f2("test", fmt::NullSink()); fmt::Formatter f3("test"); fmt::Formatter f4(L"test"); fmt::Formatter f4copy(f4); fmt::Formatter f5(L"test", fmt::NullSink()); } // A sink that counts the number of times the output is written to it. struct CountingSink { int &num_writes; explicit CountingSink(int &num_writes) : num_writes(num_writes) {} void operator()(const Writer &) const { ++num_writes; } }; TEST(FormatterTest, Sink) { int num_writes = 0; { fmt::Formatter f("test", CountingSink(num_writes)); EXPECT_EQ(0, num_writes); } EXPECT_EQ(1, num_writes); } TEST(FormatterTest, Move) { // Test if formatting is performed once if we "move" a formatter. int num_writes = 0; { typedef fmt::Formatter TestFormatter; TestFormatter *f = new TestFormatter("test", CountingSink(num_writes)); TestFormatter f2(*f); delete f; EXPECT_EQ(0, num_writes); } EXPECT_EQ(1, num_writes); } TEST(FormatterTest, OutputNotWrittenOnError) { int num_writes = 0; { typedef fmt::Formatter TestFormatter; EXPECT_THROW(TestFormatter f("{0", CountingSink(num_writes)), FormatError); } EXPECT_EQ(0, num_writes); } TEST(FormatterTest, FileSink) { FILE *f = std::fopen("out", "w"); fmt::FileSink fs(f); fs(Writer() << "test"); std::fclose(f); EXPECT_EQ("test", ReadFile("out")); } TEST(FormatterTest, FileSinkWriteError) { FILE *f = std::fopen("out", "r"); fmt::FileSink fs(f); int result = std::fwrite(" ", 1, 1, f); int error_code = errno; EXPECT_EQ(0, result); std::string error_message = str(Format("{}: {}") << "cannot write to file" << strerror(error_code)); EXPECT_THROW_MSG(fs(Writer() << "test"), fmt::SystemError, error_message); std::fclose(f); } // The test doesn't compile on older compilers which follow C++03 and // require an accessible copy constructor when binding a temporary to // a const reference. #if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 407 TEST(FormatterTest, ArgLifetime) { // The following code is for testing purposes only. It is a definite abuse // of the API and shouldn't be used in real applications. const fmt::Formatter<> &af = fmt::Format("{0}"); const_cast&>(af) << std::string("test"); // String object passed as an argument to Formatter has been destroyed, // but Formatter's dtor hasn't been called yet. That's OK since the Arg's // dtor takes care of this and calls Format. } #endif TEST(FormatterTest, ConvertToStringRef) { EXPECT_STREQ("abc", StringRef(Format("a{0}c") << 'b').c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, StringRef(Format("a{0}c") << 'b').size()); } struct PrintError { void operator()(const fmt::Writer &w) const { std::cerr << "Error: " << w.str() << std::endl; } }; fmt::Formatter ReportError(const char *format) { fmt::Formatter f(format); return f; } TEST(FormatterTest, Examples) { EXPECT_EQ("First, thou shalt count to three", str(Format("First, thou shalt count to {0}") << "three")); EXPECT_EQ("Bring me a shrubbery", str(Format("Bring me a {}") << "shrubbery")); EXPECT_EQ("From 1 to 3", str(Format("From {} to {}") << 1 << 3)); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; SPrintf(buffer, "%03.2f", -1.2); EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{:03.2f}") << -1.2)); EXPECT_EQ("a, b, c", str(Format("{0}, {1}, {2}") << 'a' << 'b' << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ("a, b, c", str(Format("{}, {}, {}") << 'a' << 'b' << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ("c, b, a", str(Format("{2}, {1}, {0}") << 'a' << 'b' << 'c')); EXPECT_EQ("abracadabra", str(Format("{0}{1}{0}") << "abra" << "cad")); EXPECT_EQ("left aligned ", str(Format("{:<30}") << "left aligned")); EXPECT_EQ(" right aligned", str(Format("{:>30}") << "right aligned")); EXPECT_EQ(" centered ", str(Format("{:^30}") << "centered")); EXPECT_EQ("***********centered***********", str(Format("{:*^30}") << "centered")); EXPECT_EQ("+3.140000; -3.140000", str(Format("{:+f}; {:+f}") << 3.14 << -3.14)); EXPECT_EQ(" 3.140000; -3.140000", str(Format("{: f}; {: f}") << 3.14 << -3.14)); EXPECT_EQ("3.140000; -3.140000", str(Format("{:-f}; {:-f}") << 3.14 << -3.14)); EXPECT_EQ("int: 42; hex: 2a; oct: 52", str(Format("int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}") << 42)); EXPECT_EQ("int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 052", str(Format("int: {0:d}; hex: {0:#x}; oct: {0:#o}") << 42)); std::string path = "somefile"; ReportError("File not found: {0}") << path; #if FMT_USE_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES && FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES EXPECT_THROW_MSG( Format("The answer is {:d}", "forty-two"), FormatError, "unknown format code 'd' for string"); EXPECT_EQ(L"Cyrillic letter \x42e", str(Format(L"Cyrillic letter {}", L'\x42e'))); #endif } TEST(FormatIntTest, Data) { fmt::FormatInt format_int(42); EXPECT_EQ("42", std::string(format_int.data(), format_int.size())); } TEST(FormatIntTest, FormatInt) { EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::FormatInt(42).str()); EXPECT_EQ(2u, fmt::FormatInt(42).size()); EXPECT_EQ("-42", fmt::FormatInt(-42).str()); EXPECT_EQ(3u, fmt::FormatInt(-42).size()); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::FormatInt(42ul).str()); EXPECT_EQ("-42", fmt::FormatInt(-42l).str()); EXPECT_EQ("42", fmt::FormatInt(42ull).str()); EXPECT_EQ("-42", fmt::FormatInt(-42ll).str()); std::ostringstream os; os << std::numeric_limits::max(); EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), fmt::FormatInt(std::numeric_limits::max()).str()); } template std::string FormatDec(T value) { char buffer[10]; char *ptr = buffer; fmt::FormatDec(ptr, value); return std::string(buffer, ptr); } TEST(FormatIntTest, FormatDec) { EXPECT_EQ("-42", FormatDec(static_cast(-42))); EXPECT_EQ("-42", FormatDec(static_cast(-42))); std::ostringstream os; os << std::numeric_limits::max(); EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), FormatDec(std::numeric_limits::max())); EXPECT_EQ("1", FormatDec(1)); EXPECT_EQ("-1", FormatDec(-1)); EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42)); EXPECT_EQ("-42", FormatDec(-42)); EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42l)); EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ul)); EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ll)); EXPECT_EQ("42", FormatDec(42ull)); } #ifdef FMT_USE_DUP // TODO: implement EXPECT_PRINT TEST(FormatTest, PrintColored) { // Temporarily redirect stdout to a file and check if PrintColored adds // necessary ANSI escape sequences. std::fflush(stdout); int saved_stdio = dup(1); EXPECT_NE(-1, saved_stdio); int out = open("out", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); EXPECT_NE(-1, out); EXPECT_NE(-1, dup2(out, 1)); close(out); fmt::PrintColored(fmt::RED, "Hello, {}!\n") << "world"; std::fflush(stdout); EXPECT_NE(-1, dup2(saved_stdio, 1)); close(saved_stdio); EXPECT_EQ("\x1b[31mHello, world!\n\x1b[0m", ReadFile("out")); } #endif #if FMT_USE_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES && FMT_USE_RVALUE_REFERENCES TEST(FormatTest, Variadic) { EXPECT_EQ("Hello, world!1", str(Format("Hello, {}!{}", "world", 1))); EXPECT_EQ(L"Hello, world!1", str(Format(L"Hello, {}!{}", L"world", 1))); } #endif // FMT_USE_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES template std::string str(const T &value) { return fmt::str(fmt::Format("{0}") << value); } TEST(StrTest, Convert) { EXPECT_EQ("42", str(42)); std::string s = str(Date(2012, 12, 9)); EXPECT_EQ("2012-12-9", s); }