Replace buffer with range
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@
// Check if exceptions are disabled.
// Check if exceptions are disabled.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)
@ -565,12 +564,9 @@ class basic_arg {
class handle {
class handle {
explicit handle(internal::custom_value<Context> custom)
explicit handle(internal::custom_value<Context> custom): custom_(custom) {}
: custom_(custom) {}
void format(basic_buffer<char_type> &buf, Context &ctx) {
void format(Context &ctx) { custom_.format(custom_.value, ctx); }
custom_.format(buf, custom_.value, ctx);
internal::custom_value<Context> custom_;
internal::custom_value<Context> custom_;
@ -681,7 +677,7 @@ class arg_map {
using char_type = typename Context::char_type;
using char_type = typename Context::char_type;
struct arg {
struct arg {
fmt::basic_string_view<char_type> name;
basic_string_view<char_type> name;
basic_arg<Context> value;
basic_arg<Context> value;
@ -699,7 +695,7 @@ class arg_map {
~arg_map() { delete [] map_; }
~arg_map() { delete [] map_; }
const basic_arg<Context>
const basic_arg<Context>
*find(const fmt::basic_string_view<char_type> &name) const {
*find(const basic_string_view<char_type> &name) const {
// The list is unsorted, so just return the first matching name.
// The list is unsorted, so just return the first matching name.
for (auto it = map_, end = map_ + size_; it != end; ++it) {
for (auto it = map_, end = map_ + size_; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->name == name)
if (it->name == name)
@ -924,8 +920,8 @@ enum Color { BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE };
FMT_API void vprint_colored(Color c, string_view format, format_args args);
FMT_API void vprint_colored(Color c, string_view format, format_args args);
Formats a string and prints it to stdout using ANSI escape sequences
Formats a string and prints it to stdout using ANSI escape sequences to
to specify color (experimental).
specify color (experimental).
print_colored(fmt::RED, "Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23);
print_colored(fmt::RED, "Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23);
@ -342,6 +342,9 @@ class basic_buffer {
virtual ~basic_buffer() {}
virtual ~basic_buffer() {}
T *begin() FMT_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_; }
T *end() FMT_NOEXCEPT { return ptr_ + capacity_; }
/** Returns the size of this buffer. */
/** Returns the size of this buffer. */
std::size_t size() const FMT_NOEXCEPT { return size_; }
std::size_t size() const FMT_NOEXCEPT { return size_; }
@ -1307,26 +1310,9 @@ class arg_formatter_base {
void write_char(Char value) {
void write_char(Char value) {
using pointer_type = typename writer_type::pointer_type;
writer_.write_padded(1, specs_, [value](auto &it) {
Char fill = internal::char_traits<Char>::cast(specs_.fill());
*it++ = internal::char_traits<Char>::cast(value);
pointer_type out = pointer_type();
const unsigned character_width = 1;
if (specs_.width_ > character_width) {
out = writer_.grow_buffer(specs_.width_);
if (specs_.align_ == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
std::uninitialized_fill_n(out, specs_.width_ - character_width, fill);
out += specs_.width_ - character_width;
} else if (specs_.align_ == ALIGN_CENTER) {
out = writer_.fill_padding(out, specs_.width_,
internal::const_check(character_width), fill);
} else {
std::uninitialized_fill_n(out + character_width,
specs_.width_ - character_width, fill);
} else {
out = writer_.grow_buffer(character_width);
*out = internal::char_traits<Char>::cast(value);
void write_pointer(const void *p) {
void write_pointer(const void *p) {
@ -2159,7 +2145,7 @@ FMT_API void format_system_error(fmt::buffer &out, int error_code,
This template provides operations for formatting and writing data into a
This template provides operations for formatting and writing data into a
character buffer.
character range.
You can use one of the following typedefs for common character types:
You can use one of the following typedefs for common character types:
@ -2173,79 +2159,202 @@ FMT_API void format_system_error(fmt::buffer &out, int error_code,
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename Range>
class basic_writer {
class basic_writer {
using char_type = typename Buffer::value_type;
using char_type = typename Range::value_type;
typedef basic_format_specs<char_type> format_specs;
using format_specs = basic_format_specs<char_type>;
// Output buffer.
using iterator = decltype(std::declval<Range>().begin());
Buffer &buffer_;
// Output range.
iterator begin_;
decltype(std::declval<Range>().end()) end_;
std::unique_ptr<locale_provider> locale_;
std::unique_ptr<locale_provider> locale_;
typedef stdext::checked_array_iterator<Char*> pointer_type;
using pointer_type = stdext::checked_array_iterator<char_type*>;
// Returns pointer value.
// Returns pointer value.
static char_type *get(pointer_type p) { return p.base(); }
static char_type *get(pointer_type p) { return p.base(); }
typedef char_type *pointer_type;
using pointer_type = char_type*;
static char_type *get(char_type *p) { return p; }
static char_type *get(char_type *p) { return p; }
// Fills the padding around the content and returns the pointer to the
template <typename Category>
// content area.
void do_reserve(std::size_t, Category) {}
static pointer_type fill_padding(pointer_type buffer,
unsigned total_size, std::size_t content_size, wchar_t fill);
// Grows the buffer by n characters and returns a pointer to the newly
void do_reserve(std::size_t n, std::random_access_iterator_tag) {
// allocated area.
(void)(begin_ + n);
pointer_type grow_buffer(std::size_t n) {
std::size_t size = buffer_.size();
buffer_.resize(size + n);
return internal::make_ptr(&buffer_[size], n);
// Writes an unsigned decimal integer.
// Attempts to reserve space for n characters in the output range.
template <typename UInt>
void reserve(std::size_t n) {
char_type *write_unsigned_decimal(UInt value, unsigned prefix_size = 0) {
using category = typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::iterator_category;
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(value);
do_reserve(n, category());
char_type *ptr = get(grow_buffer(prefix_size + num_digits));
internal::format_decimal(ptr + prefix_size, value, num_digits);
return ptr;
// Writes a value in the format
// <left-padding><value><right-padding>
// where <value> is written by f(it).
template <typename F>
void write_padded(std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec, F f);
// Writes an integer in the format
// <left-padding><prefix><numeric-padding><digits><right-padding>
// where <digits> are written by f(it).
template <typename Spec, typename F>
void write_int(unsigned num_digits, string_view prefix,
const Spec &spec, F f) {
unsigned size = prefix.size() + num_digits;
auto fill = spec.fill();
unsigned padding = 0;
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_NUMERIC) {
if (spec.width() > size) {
padding = spec.width() - size;
size = spec.width();
} else if (spec.precision() > num_digits) {
size = prefix.size() + spec.precision();
padding = spec.precision() - num_digits;
fill = '0';
write_padded(size, spec, [prefix, fill, padding, f](auto &it) {
if (prefix.size() != 0)
it = std::uninitialized_copy_n(, prefix.size(), it);
it = std::uninitialized_fill_n(it, padding, fill);
// Writes a decimal integer.
// Writes a decimal integer.
template <typename Int>
template <typename Int>
void write_decimal(Int value) {
void write_decimal(Int value) {
typedef typename internal::int_traits<Int>::main_type main_type;
using main_type = typename internal::int_traits<Int>::main_type;
main_type abs_value = static_cast<main_type>(value);
main_type abs_value = static_cast<main_type>(value);
if (internal::is_negative(value)) {
bool is_negative = internal::is_negative(value);
if (is_negative)
abs_value = 0 - abs_value;
abs_value = 0 - abs_value;
*write_unsigned_decimal(abs_value, 1) = '-';
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(abs_value);
} else {
reserve((is_negative ? 1 : 0) + num_digits);
write_unsigned_decimal(abs_value, 0);
if (is_negative)
*begin_++ = '-';
internal::format_decimal(begin_, abs_value, num_digits);
// The handle_int_type_spec handler that writes an integer.
template <typename Int, typename Spec>
struct int_writer {
using unsigned_type = typename internal::int_traits<Int>::main_type;
basic_writer<Range> &writer;
const Spec &spec;
unsigned_type abs_value;
char prefix[4];
unsigned prefix_size = 0;
string_view get_prefix() const { return string_view(prefix, prefix_size); }
// Counts the number of digits in abs_value. BITS = log2(radix).
template <unsigned BITS>
unsigned count_digits() const {
unsigned_type n = abs_value;
unsigned num_digits = 0;
do {
} while ((n >>= BITS) != 0);
return num_digits;
int_writer(basic_writer<Range> &w, Int value, const Spec &s)
: writer(w), spec(s), abs_value(static_cast<unsigned_type>(value)) {
if (internal::is_negative(value)) {
prefix[0] = '-';
abs_value = 0 - abs_value;
} else if (spec.flag(SIGN_FLAG)) {
prefix[0] = spec.flag(PLUS_FLAG) ? '+' : ' ';
// Prepare a buffer for integer formatting.
void on_dec() {
pointer_type prepare_int_buffer(unsigned num_digits,
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(abs_value);
const empty_spec &, const char *prefix, unsigned prefix_size) {
writer.write_int(num_digits, get_prefix(), spec,
unsigned size = prefix_size + num_digits;
[this, num_digits](auto &it) {
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(size);
internal::format_decimal(it, abs_value, 0);
std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, p);
it += num_digits;
return p + size - 1;
template <typename Spec>
void on_hex() {
pointer_type prepare_int_buffer(unsigned num_digits,
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG)) {
const Spec &spec, const char *prefix, unsigned prefix_size);
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
prefix[prefix_size++] = spec.type();
writer.write_int(count_digits<4>(), get_prefix(), spec, [this](auto &it) {
auto n = abs_value;
const char *digits = spec.type() == 'x' ?
"0123456789abcdef" : "0123456789ABCDEF";
do {
*it-- = digits[n & 0xf];
} while ((n >>= 4) != 0);
void on_bin() {
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG)) {
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
prefix[prefix_size++] = spec.type();
writer.write_int(count_digits<1>(), get_prefix(), spec, [this](auto &it) {
auto n = abs_value;
do {
*it-- = static_cast<char_type>('0' + (n & 1));
} while ((n >>= 1) != 0);
void on_oct() {
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG))
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
writer.write_int(count_digits<3>(), get_prefix(), spec, [this](auto &it) {
auto n = abs_value;
do {
*it-- = static_cast<char_type>('0' + (n & 7));
} while ((n >>= 3) != 0);
void on_num() {
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(abs_value);
char_type thousands_sep =
basic_string_view<char_type> sep(&thousands_sep, 1);
unsigned size = static_cast<unsigned>(
num_digits + sep.size() * ((num_digits - 1) / 3));
writer.write_int(size, get_prefix(), spec, [this, size, sep](auto &it) {
internal::format_decimal(it, abs_value, 0,
it += size;
void on_error() {
FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid type specifier"));
// Writes a formatted integer.
// Writes a formatted integer.
template <typename T, typename Spec>
template <typename T, typename Spec>
void write_int(T value, const Spec& spec);
void write_int(T value, const Spec &spec) {
int_writer<T, Spec>(*this, value, spec));
// Formats a floating-point number (double or long double).
// Formats a floating-point number (double or long double).
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
@ -2253,8 +2362,11 @@ class basic_writer {
// Writes a formatted string.
// Writes a formatted string.
template <typename Char>
template <typename Char>
pointer_type write_str(
void write_str(const Char *s, std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec) {
const Char *s, std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec);
write_padded(size, spec, [s, size](iterator &it) {
it = std::uninitialized_copy_n(s, size, it);
template <typename Char>
template <typename Char>
void write_str(basic_string_view<Char> str, const format_specs &spec);
void write_str(basic_string_view<Char> str, const format_specs &spec);
@ -2272,48 +2384,8 @@ class basic_writer {
friend class internal::arg_formatter_base;
friend class internal::arg_formatter_base;
/** Constructs a ``basic_writer`` object. */
Constructs a ``basic_writer`` object.
explicit basic_writer(Range &r) : begin_(r.begin()), end_(r.end()) {}
explicit basic_writer(Buffer &b) : buffer_(b) {}
Destroys the ``basic_writer`` object.
virtual ~basic_writer() {}
Returns the total number of characters written.
std::size_t size() const { return buffer_.size(); }
Returns a pointer to the output buffer content. No terminating null
character is appended.
const char_type *data() const FMT_NOEXCEPT { return &buffer_[0]; }
Returns a pointer to the output buffer content with terminating null
character appended.
const char_type *c_str() const {
std::size_t size = buffer_.size();
buffer_.reserve(size + 1);
buffer_[size] = '\0';
return &buffer_[0];
Returns the content of the output buffer as an `std::string`.
std::basic_string<char_type> str() const {
return std::basic_string<char_type>(&buffer_[0], buffer_.size());
void write(int value) {
void write(int value) {
@ -2350,16 +2422,14 @@ class basic_writer {
write_double(value, format_specs());
write_double(value, format_specs());
/** Writes a character to the buffer. */
Writes a character to the buffer.
void write(char value) {
void write(char value) {
*begin_++ = value;
void write(wchar_t value) {
void write(wchar_t value) {
*begin_++ = value;
@ -2368,251 +2438,66 @@ class basic_writer {
void write(string_view value) {
void write(string_view value) {
const char *str =;
begin_ = std::uninitialized_copy(value.begin(), value.end(), begin_);
buffer_.append(str, str + value.size());
void write(basic_string_view<wchar_t> value) {
void write(wstring_view value) {
const wchar_t *str =;
begin_ = std::uninitialized_copy(value.begin(), value.end(), begin_);
buffer_.append(str, str + value.size());
template <typename... FormatSpecs>
template <typename... FormatSpecs>
void write(basic_string_view<char_type> str, FormatSpecs... specs) {
void write(basic_string_view<char_type> str, FormatSpecs... specs) {
write_str(str, format_specs(specs...));
write_str(str, format_specs(specs...));
void clear() FMT_NOEXCEPT { buffer_.resize(0); }
Buffer &buffer() FMT_NOEXCEPT { return buffer_; }
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename Range>
template <typename Char>
template <typename F>
typename basic_writer<Buffer>::pointer_type basic_writer<Buffer>::write_str(
void basic_writer<Range>::write_padded(
const Char *s, std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec) {
std::size_t size, const align_spec &spec, F f) {
pointer_type out = pointer_type();
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (spec.width() > size) {
if (width <= size) {
out = grow_buffer(spec.width());
return f(begin_);
char_type fill = internal::char_traits<char_type>::cast(spec.fill());
char_type fill = internal::char_traits<char_type>::cast(spec.fill());
std::size_t padding = width - size;
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
std::uninitialized_fill_n(out, spec.width() - size, fill);
begin_ = std::uninitialized_fill_n(begin_, padding, fill);
out += spec.width() - size;
} else if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER) {
} else if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER) {
out = fill_padding(out, spec.width(), size, fill);
std::size_t left_padding = padding / 2;
begin_ = std::uninitialized_fill_n(begin_, left_padding, fill);
begin_ = std::uninitialized_fill_n(begin_, padding - left_padding, fill);
} else {
} else {
std::uninitialized_fill_n(out + size, spec.width() - size, fill);
std::uninitialized_fill_n(begin_, padding, fill);
} else {
out = grow_buffer(size);
std::uninitialized_copy(s, s + size, out);
return out;
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename Range>
template <typename Char>
template <typename Char>
void basic_writer<Buffer>::write_str(
void basic_writer<Range>::write_str(
basic_string_view<Char> s, const format_specs &spec) {
basic_string_view<Char> s, const format_specs &spec) {
// Check if Char is convertible to char_type.
// Check if Char is convertible to char_type.
const Char *str_value =;
const Char *data =;
std::size_t str_size = s.size();
std::size_t size = s.size();
if (str_size == 0 && !str_value)
if (size == 0 && !data)
FMT_THROW(format_error("string pointer is null"));
FMT_THROW(format_error("string pointer is null"));
std::size_t precision = static_cast<std::size_t>(spec.precision_);
std::size_t precision = static_cast<std::size_t>(spec.precision_);
if (spec.precision_ >= 0 && precision < str_size)
if (spec.precision_ >= 0 && precision < size)
str_size = precision;
size = precision;
write_str(str_value, str_size, spec);
write_str(data, size, spec);
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename Range>
typename basic_writer<Buffer>::pointer_type basic_writer<Buffer>::fill_padding(
pointer_type buffer, unsigned total_size,
std::size_t content_size, wchar_t fill) {
std::size_t padding = total_size - content_size;
std::size_t left_padding = padding / 2;
char_type fill_char = internal::char_traits<char_type>::cast(fill);
std::uninitialized_fill_n(buffer, left_padding, fill_char);
buffer += left_padding;
pointer_type content = buffer;
std::uninitialized_fill_n(buffer + content_size,
padding - left_padding, fill_char);
return content;
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename Spec>
typename basic_writer<Buffer>::pointer_type
unsigned num_digits, const Spec &spec,
const char *prefix, unsigned prefix_size) {
unsigned width = spec.width();
alignment align = spec.align();
char_type fill = internal::char_traits<char_type>::cast(spec.fill());
if (spec.precision() > static_cast<int>(num_digits)) {
// Octal prefix '0' is counted as a digit, so ignore it if precision
// is specified.
if (prefix_size > 0 && prefix[prefix_size - 1] == '0')
unsigned number_size =
prefix_size + internal::to_unsigned(spec.precision());
align_spec subspec(number_size, '0', ALIGN_NUMERIC);
if (number_size >= width)
return prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, subspec, prefix, prefix_size);
unsigned fill_size = width - number_size;
if (align != ALIGN_LEFT) {
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(fill_size);
std::uninitialized_fill(p, p + fill_size, fill);
pointer_type result = prepare_int_buffer(
num_digits, subspec, prefix, prefix_size);
if (align == ALIGN_LEFT) {
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(fill_size);
std::uninitialized_fill(p, p + fill_size, fill);
return result;
unsigned size = prefix_size + num_digits;
if (width <= size) {
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(size);
std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, p);
return p + size - 1;
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(width);
pointer_type end = p + width;
if (align == ALIGN_LEFT) {
std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, p);
p += size;
std::uninitialized_fill(p, end, fill);
} else if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
p = fill_padding(p, width, size, fill);
std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, p);
p += size;
} else {
if (align == ALIGN_NUMERIC) {
if (prefix_size != 0) {
p = std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, p);
size -= prefix_size;
} else {
std::uninitialized_copy(prefix, prefix + prefix_size, end - size);
std::uninitialized_fill(p, end - size, fill);
p = end;
return p - 1;
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename T, typename Spec>
void basic_writer<Buffer>::write_int(T value, const Spec& spec) {
using unsigned_type = typename internal::int_traits<T>::main_type;
struct spec_handler {
basic_writer<Buffer> &writer;
const Spec& spec;
unsigned prefix_size = 0;
unsigned_type abs_value;
char prefix[4] = "";
spec_handler(basic_writer<Buffer> &w, T val, const Spec& s)
: writer(w), spec(s), abs_value(static_cast<unsigned_type>(val)) {
if (internal::is_negative(val)) {
prefix[0] = '-';
abs_value = 0 - abs_value;
} else if (spec.flag(SIGN_FLAG)) {
prefix[0] = spec.flag(PLUS_FLAG) ? '+' : ' ';
void on_dec() {
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(abs_value);
pointer_type p =
writer.prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, spec, prefix, prefix_size) + 1;
internal::format_decimal(get(p), abs_value, 0);
void on_hex() {
unsigned_type n = abs_value;
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG)) {
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
prefix[prefix_size++] = spec.type();
unsigned num_digits = 0;
do {
} while ((n >>= 4) != 0);
char_type *p =
get(writer.prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, spec, prefix, prefix_size));
n = abs_value;
const char *digits = spec.type() == 'x' ?
"0123456789abcdef" : "0123456789ABCDEF";
do {
*p-- = digits[n & 0xf];
} while ((n >>= 4) != 0);
void on_bin() {
unsigned_type n = abs_value;
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG)) {
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
prefix[prefix_size++] = spec.type();
unsigned num_digits = 0;
do {
} while ((n >>= 1) != 0);
char_type *p =
get(writer.prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, spec, prefix, prefix_size));
n = abs_value;
do {
*p-- = static_cast<char_type>('0' + (n & 1));
} while ((n >>= 1) != 0);
void on_oct() {
unsigned_type n = abs_value;
if (spec.flag(HASH_FLAG))
prefix[prefix_size++] = '0';
unsigned num_digits = 0;
do {
} while ((n >>= 3) != 0);
char_type *p =
get(writer.prepare_int_buffer(num_digits, spec, prefix, prefix_size));
n = abs_value;
do {
*p-- = static_cast<char_type>('0' + (n & 7));
} while ((n >>= 3) != 0);
void on_num() {
unsigned num_digits = internal::count_digits(abs_value);
char_type thousands_sep =
fmt::basic_string_view<char_type> sep(&thousands_sep, 1);
unsigned size = static_cast<unsigned>(
num_digits + sep.size() * ((num_digits - 1) / 3));
pointer_type p =
writer.prepare_int_buffer(size, spec, prefix, prefix_size) + 1;
internal::format_decimal(get(p), abs_value, 0,
void on_error() {
FMT_THROW(format_error("invalid type specifier"));
internal::handle_int_type_spec(spec.type(), spec_handler(*this, value, spec));
template <typename Buffer>
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
void basic_writer<Buffer>::write_double(T value, const format_specs &spec) {
void basic_writer<Range>::write_double(T value, const format_specs &spec) {
// Check type.
// Check type.
struct spec_handler {
struct spec_handler {
char type;
char type;
@ -2667,37 +2552,35 @@ void basic_writer<Buffer>::write_double(T value, const format_specs &spec) {
if (internal::fputil::isnotanumber(value)) {
if (internal::fputil::isnotanumber(value)) {
// Format NaN ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// Format NaN ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
// across platforms.
std::size_t nan_size = 4;
const char *nan = handler.upper ? "NAN" : "nan";
const char *nan = handler.upper ? " NAN" : " nan";
std::size_t nan_size = 3;
if (!sign) {
reserve(nan_size + (sign ? 1 : 0));
pointer_type out = write_str(nan, nan_size, spec);
if (sign)
if (sign)
*out = sign;
*begin_++ = sign;
begin_ = std::uninitialized_copy_n(nan, nan_size, begin_);
if (internal::fputil::isinfinity(value)) {
if (internal::fputil::isinfinity(value)) {
// Format infinity ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// Format infinity ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
// across platforms.
std::size_t inf_size = 4;
const char *inf = handler.upper ? "INF" : "inf";
const char *inf = handler.upper ? " INF" : " inf";
std::size_t inf_size = 3;
if (!sign) {
reserve(inf_size + (sign ? 1 : 0));
pointer_type out = write_str(inf, inf_size, spec);
if (sign)
if (sign)
*out = sign;
*begin_++ = sign;
begin_ = std::uninitialized_copy_n(inf, inf_size, begin_);
std::size_t offset = buffer_.size();
// TODO: buffered_range that wraps a range and adds necessary buffering if the
// latter is not contiguous.
basic_memory_buffer<char_type> buffer;
std::size_t offset = 0;
unsigned width = spec.width();
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (sign) {
if (sign) {
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.size() + (width > 1u ? width : 1u));
buffer.reserve(width > 1u ? width : 1u);
if (width > 0)
if (width > 0)
@ -2733,54 +2616,39 @@ void basic_writer<Buffer>::write_double(T value, const format_specs &spec) {
unsigned n = 0;
unsigned n = 0;
char_type *start = 0;
char_type *start = 0;
for (;;) {
for (;;) {
std::size_t buffer_size = buffer_.capacity() - offset;
std::size_t buffer_size = buffer.capacity() - offset;
// MSVC's vsnprintf_s doesn't work with zero size, so reserve
// MSVC's vsnprintf_s doesn't work with zero size, so reserve
// space for at least one extra character to make the size non-zero.
// space for at least one extra character to make the size non-zero.
// Note that the buffer's capacity will increase by more than 1.
// Note that the buffer's capacity may increase by more than 1.
if (buffer_size == 0) {
if (buffer_size == 0) {
buffer_.reserve(offset + 1);
buffer.reserve(offset + 1);
buffer_size = buffer_.capacity() - offset;
buffer_size = buffer.capacity() - offset;
start = &buffer_[offset];
start = &buffer[offset];
int result = internal::char_traits<char_type>::format_float(
int result = internal::char_traits<char_type>::format_float(
start, buffer_size, format, width_for_sprintf, spec.precision(), value);
start, buffer_size, format, width_for_sprintf, spec.precision(), value);
if (result >= 0) {
if (result >= 0) {
n = internal::to_unsigned(result);
n = internal::to_unsigned(result);
if (offset + n < buffer_.capacity())
if (offset + n < buffer.capacity())
break; // The buffer is large enough - continue with formatting.
break; // The buffer is large enough - continue with formatting.
buffer_.reserve(offset + n + 1);
buffer.reserve(offset + n + 1);
} else {
} else {
// If result is negative we ask to increase the capacity by at least 1,
// If result is negative we ask to increase the capacity by at least 1,
// but as std::vector, the buffer grows exponentially.
// but as std::vector, the buffer grows exponentially.
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.capacity() + 1);
buffer.reserve(buffer.capacity() + 1);
if (sign) {
if ((spec.align() != ALIGN_RIGHT && spec.align() != ALIGN_DEFAULT) ||
*start != ' ') {
*(start - 1) = sign;
sign = 0;
} else {
*(start - 1) = fill;
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER && spec.width() > n) {
width = spec.width();
pointer_type p = grow_buffer(width);
std::memmove(get(p) + (width - n) / 2, get(p), n * sizeof(char_type));
fill_padding(p, spec.width(), n, fill);
if (spec.fill() != ' ' || sign) {
while (*start == ' ')
*start++ = fill;
if (sign)
if (sign)
*(start - 1) = sign;
write_padded(n, spec, [n, sign, &buffer](auto &it) mutable {
if (sign) {
*it++ = sign;
it = std::uninitialized_copy_n(buffer.begin(), n, it);
// Reports a system error without throwing an exception.
// Reports a system error without throwing an exception.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user