Move code from header to source.
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,3 +51,561 @@ void fmt::internal::ReportUnknownType(char code, const char *type) {
fmt::str(fmt::Format("unknown format code '\\x{:02x}' for {}")
<< static_cast<unsigned>(code) << type));
// Fills the padding around the content and returns the pointer to the
// content area.
template <typename Char>
typename fmt::BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr fmt::BasicWriter<Char>::FillPadding(
CharPtr buffer, unsigned total_size, std::size_t content_size, char fill) {
std::size_t padding = total_size - content_size;
std::size_t left_padding = padding / 2;
std::fill_n(buffer, left_padding, fill);
buffer += left_padding;
CharPtr content = buffer;
std::fill_n(buffer + content_size, padding - left_padding, fill);
return content;
template <typename Char>
void fmt::BasicWriter<Char>::FormatDecimal(
CharPtr buffer, uint64_t value, unsigned num_digits) {
while (value >= 100) {
// Integer division is slow so do it for a group of two digits instead
// of for every digit. The idea comes from the talk by Alexandrescu
// "Three Optimization Tips for C++". See speed-test for a comparison.
unsigned index = (value % 100) * 2;
value /= 100;
buffer[num_digits] = internal::DIGITS[index + 1];
buffer[num_digits - 1] = internal::DIGITS[index];
num_digits -= 2;
if (value < 10) {
*buffer = static_cast<char>('0' + value);
unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>(value * 2);
buffer[1] = internal::DIGITS[index + 1];
buffer[0] = internal::DIGITS[index];
template <typename Char>
typename fmt::BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr
unsigned size, const AlignSpec &spec, char sign) {
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (width <= size) {
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(size);
*p = sign;
return p + size - 1;
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(width);
CharPtr end = p + width;
Alignment align = spec.align();
if (align == ALIGN_LEFT) {
*p = sign;
p += size;
std::fill(p, end, spec.fill());
} else if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
p = FillPadding(p, width, size, spec.fill());
*p = sign;
p += size;
} else {
if (align == ALIGN_NUMERIC) {
if (sign) {
*p++ = sign;
} else {
*(end - size) = sign;
std::fill(p, end - size, spec.fill());
p = end;
return p - 1;
template <typename Char>
template <typename T>
void fmt::BasicWriter<Char>::FormatDouble(
T value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision) {
// Check type.
char type = spec.type();
bool upper = false;
switch (type) {
case 0:
type = 'g';
case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
case 'F':
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// MSVC's printf doesn't support 'F'.
type = 'f';
// Fall through.
case 'E': case 'G':
upper = true;
internal::ReportUnknownType(type, "double");
char sign = 0;
// Use SignBit instead of value < 0 because the latter is always
// false for NaN.
if (internal::SignBit(value)) {
sign = '-';
value = -value;
} else if (spec.sign_flag()) {
sign = spec.plus_flag() ? '+' : ' ';
if (value != value) {
// Format NaN ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
std::size_t size = 4;
const char *nan = upper ? " NAN" : " nan";
if (!sign) {
CharPtr out = FormatString(nan, size, spec);
if (sign)
*out = sign;
if (internal::IsInf(value)) {
// Format infinity ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
std::size_t size = 4;
const char *inf = upper ? " INF" : " inf";
if (!sign) {
CharPtr out = FormatString(inf, size, spec);
if (sign)
*out = sign;
std::size_t offset = buffer_.size();
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (sign) {
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.size() + (std::max)(width, 1u));
if (width > 0)
// Build format string.
enum { MAX_FORMAT_SIZE = 10}; // longest format: %#-*.*Lg
Char format[MAX_FORMAT_SIZE];
Char *format_ptr = format;
*format_ptr++ = '%';
unsigned width_for_sprintf = width;
if (spec.hash_flag())
*format_ptr++ = '#';
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER) {
width_for_sprintf = 0;
} else {
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_LEFT)
*format_ptr++ = '-';
if (width != 0)
*format_ptr++ = '*';
if (precision >= 0) {
*format_ptr++ = '.';
*format_ptr++ = '*';
if (internal::IsLongDouble<T>::VALUE)
*format_ptr++ = 'L';
*format_ptr++ = type;
*format_ptr = '\0';
// Format using snprintf.
for (;;) {
std::size_t size = buffer_.capacity() - offset;
Char *start = &buffer_[offset];
int n = internal::CharTraits<Char>::FormatFloat(
start, size, format, width_for_sprintf, precision, value);
if (n >= 0 && offset + n < buffer_.capacity()) {
if (sign) {
if ((spec.align() != ALIGN_RIGHT && spec.align() != ALIGN_DEFAULT) ||
*start != ' ') {
*(start - 1) = sign;
sign = 0;
} else {
*(start - 1) = spec.fill();
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER &&
spec.width() > static_cast<unsigned>(n)) {
unsigned width = spec.width();
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(width);
std::copy(p, p + n, p + (width - n) / 2);
FillPadding(p, spec.width(), n, spec.fill());
if (spec.fill() != ' ' || sign) {
while (*start == ' ')
*start++ = spec.fill();
if (sign)
*(start - 1) = sign;
buffer_.reserve(n >= 0 ? offset + n + 1 : 2 * buffer_.capacity());
// Throws Exception(message) if format contains '}', otherwise throws
// FormatError reporting unmatched '{'. The idea is that unmatched '{'
// should override other errors.
template <typename Char>
void fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::ReportError(
const Char *s, StringRef message) const {
for (int num_open_braces = num_open_braces_; *s; ++s) {
if (*s == '{') {
} else if (*s == '}') {
if (--num_open_braces == 0)
throw fmt::FormatError(message);
throw fmt::FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
// Parses an unsigned integer advancing s to the end of the parsed input.
// This function assumes that the first character of s is a digit.
template <typename Char>
unsigned fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::ParseUInt(const Char *&s) const {
assert('0' <= *s && *s <= '9');
unsigned value = 0;
do {
unsigned new_value = value * 10 + (*s++ - '0');
if (new_value < value) // Check if value wrapped around.
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
value = new_value;
} while ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9');
return value;
template <typename Char>
inline const typename fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::Arg
&fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::ParseArgIndex(const Char *&s) {
unsigned arg_index = 0;
if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') {
if (*s != '}' && *s != ':')
ReportError(s, "invalid argument index in format string");
if (next_arg_index_ < 0) {
"cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing");
arg_index = next_arg_index_++;
} else {
if (next_arg_index_ > 0) {
"cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing");
next_arg_index_ = -1;
arg_index = ParseUInt(s);
if (arg_index >= args_.size())
ReportError(s, "argument index is out of range in format");
return *args_[arg_index];
template <typename Char>
void fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::CheckSign(const Char *&s, const Arg &arg) {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE) {
Format("format specifier '{0}' requires numeric argument") << *s);
if (arg.type == UINT || arg.type == ULONG) {
Format("format specifier '{0}' requires signed argument") << *s);
template <typename Char>
void fmt::BasicFormatter<Char>::DoFormat() {
const Char *start = format_;
format_ = 0;
next_arg_index_ = 0;
const Char *s = start;
typedef internal::Array<Char, BasicWriter<Char>::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE> Buffer;
BasicWriter<Char> &writer = *writer_;
while (*s) {
char c = *s++;
if (c != '{' && c != '}') continue;
if (*s == c) {
writer.buffer_.append(start, s);
start = ++s;
if (c == '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '}' in format");
num_open_braces_= 1;
writer.buffer_.append(start, s - 1);
const Arg &arg = ParseArgIndex(s);
FormatSpec spec;
int precision = -1;
if (*s == ':') {
// Parse fill and alignment.
if (char c = *s) {
const Char *p = s + 1;
spec.align_ = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
do {
switch (*p) {
case '<':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_LEFT;
case '>':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_RIGHT;
case '=':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
case '^':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_CENTER;
if (spec.align_ != ALIGN_DEFAULT) {
if (p != s) {
if (c == '}') break;
if (c == '{')
ReportError(s, "invalid fill character '{'");
s += 2;
spec.fill_ = c;
} else ++s;
if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_NUMERIC && arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument");
} while (--p >= s);
// Parse sign.
switch (*s) {
case '+':
CheckSign(s, arg);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG | PLUS_FLAG;
case '-':
CheckSign(s, arg);
case ' ':
CheckSign(s, arg);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG;
if (*s == '#') {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument");
spec.flags_ |= HASH_FLAG;
// Parse width and zero flag.
if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') {
if (*s == '0') {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
spec.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
spec.fill_ = '0';
// Zero may be parsed again as a part of the width, but it is simpler
// and more efficient than checking if the next char is a digit.
unsigned value = ParseUInt(s);
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
spec.width_ = value;
// Parse precision.
if (*s == '.') {
precision = 0;
if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') {
unsigned value = ParseUInt(s);
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
precision = value;
} else if (*s == '{') {
const Arg &precision_arg = ParseArgIndex(s);
unsigned long value = 0;
switch (precision_arg.type) {
case INT:
if (precision_arg.int_value < 0)
ReportError(s, "negative precision in format");
value = precision_arg.int_value;
case UINT:
value = precision_arg.uint_value;
case LONG:
if (precision_arg.long_value < 0)
ReportError(s, "negative precision in format");
value = precision_arg.long_value;
case ULONG:
value = precision_arg.ulong_value;
ReportError(s, "precision is not integer");
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
precision = value;
if (*s++ != '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
} else {
ReportError(s, "missing precision in format");
if (arg.type != DOUBLE && arg.type != LONG_DOUBLE) {
"precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
// Parse type.
if (*s != '}' && *s)
spec.type_ = *s++;
if (*s++ != '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
start = s;
// Format argument.
switch (arg.type) {
case INT:
writer.FormatInt(arg.int_value, spec);
case UINT:
writer.FormatInt(arg.uint_value, spec);
case LONG:
writer.FormatInt(arg.long_value, spec);
case ULONG:
writer.FormatInt(arg.ulong_value, spec);
case DOUBLE:
writer.FormatDouble(arg.double_value, spec, precision);
writer.FormatDouble(arg.long_double_value, spec, precision);
case CHAR: {
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 'c')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "char");
typedef typename BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr CharPtr;
CharPtr out = CharPtr();
if (spec.width_ > 1) {
out = writer.GrowBuffer(spec.width_);
if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
std::fill_n(out, spec.width_ - 1, spec.fill_);
out += spec.width_ - 1;
} else if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_CENTER) {
out = writer.FillPadding(out, spec.width_, 1, spec.fill_);
} else {
std::fill_n(out + 1, spec.width_ - 1, spec.fill_);
} else {
out = writer.GrowBuffer(1);
*out = arg.int_value;
case STRING: {
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 's')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "string");
const Char *str = arg.string.value;
std::size_t size = arg.string.size;
if (size == 0) {
if (!str)
throw FormatError("string pointer is null");
if (*str)
size = std::char_traits<Char>::length(str);
writer.FormatString(str, size, spec);
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 'p')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "pointer");
spec.flags_= HASH_FLAG;
spec.type_ = 'x';
writer.FormatInt(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(arg.pointer_value), spec);
case CUSTOM:
if (spec.type_)
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "object");
arg.custom.format(writer, arg.custom.value, spec);
writer.buffer_.append(start, s);
template void fmt::BasicWriter<char>::FormatDouble<double>(
double value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision);
template void fmt::BasicWriter<char>::FormatDouble<long double>(
long double value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision);
template fmt::BasicWriter<char>::CharPtr fmt::BasicWriter<char>::FillPadding(
CharPtr buffer, unsigned total_size, std::size_t content_size, char fill);
template void fmt::BasicWriter<char>::FormatDecimal(
CharPtr buffer, uint64_t value, unsigned num_digits);
template fmt::BasicWriter<char>::CharPtr
unsigned size, const AlignSpec &spec, char sign);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::ReportError(
const char *s, StringRef message) const;
template unsigned fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::ParseUInt(const char *&s) const;
template const fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::Arg
&fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::ParseArgIndex(const char *&s);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::CheckSign(
const char *&s, const Arg &arg);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<char>::DoFormat();
template void fmt::BasicWriter<wchar_t>::FormatDouble<double>(
double value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision);
template void fmt::BasicWriter<wchar_t>::FormatDouble<long double>(
long double value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision);
template fmt::BasicWriter<wchar_t>::CharPtr
CharPtr buffer, unsigned total_size, std::size_t content_size, char fill);
template void fmt::BasicWriter<wchar_t>::FormatDecimal(
CharPtr buffer, uint64_t value, unsigned num_digits);
template fmt::BasicWriter<wchar_t>::CharPtr
unsigned size, const AlignSpec &spec, char sign);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::ReportError(
const wchar_t *s, StringRef message) const;
template unsigned fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::ParseUInt(
const wchar_t *&s) const;
template const fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::Arg
&fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::ParseArgIndex(const wchar_t *&s);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::CheckSign(
const wchar_t *&s, const Arg &arg);
template void fmt::BasicFormatter<wchar_t>::DoFormat();
@ -623,217 +623,6 @@ class BasicWriter {
// Fills the padding around the content and returns the pointer to the
// content area.
template <typename Char>
typename BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr BasicWriter<Char>::FillPadding(
CharPtr buffer, unsigned total_size, std::size_t content_size, char fill) {
std::size_t padding = total_size - content_size;
std::size_t left_padding = padding / 2;
std::fill_n(buffer, left_padding, fill);
buffer += left_padding;
CharPtr content = buffer;
std::fill_n(buffer + content_size, padding - left_padding, fill);
return content;
template <typename Char>
void BasicWriter<Char>::FormatDecimal(
CharPtr buffer, uint64_t value, unsigned num_digits) {
while (value >= 100) {
// Integer division is slow so do it for a group of two digits instead
// of for every digit. The idea comes from the talk by Alexandrescu
// "Three Optimization Tips for C++". See speed-test for a comparison.
unsigned index = (value % 100) * 2;
value /= 100;
buffer[num_digits] = internal::DIGITS[index + 1];
buffer[num_digits - 1] = internal::DIGITS[index];
num_digits -= 2;
if (value < 10) {
*buffer = static_cast<char>('0' + value);
unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>(value * 2);
buffer[1] = internal::DIGITS[index + 1];
buffer[0] = internal::DIGITS[index];
template <typename Char>
typename BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr BasicWriter<Char>::PrepareFilledBuffer(
unsigned size, const AlignSpec &spec, char sign) {
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (width <= size) {
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(size);
*p = sign;
return p + size - 1;
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(width);
CharPtr end = p + width;
Alignment align = spec.align();
if (align == ALIGN_LEFT) {
*p = sign;
p += size;
std::fill(p, end, spec.fill());
} else if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
p = FillPadding(p, width, size, spec.fill());
*p = sign;
p += size;
} else {
if (align == ALIGN_NUMERIC) {
if (sign) {
*p++ = sign;
} else {
*(end - size) = sign;
std::fill(p, end - size, spec.fill());
p = end;
return p - 1;
template <typename Char>
template <typename T>
void BasicWriter<Char>::FormatDouble(
T value, const FormatSpec &spec, int precision) {
// Check type.
char type = spec.type();
bool upper = false;
switch (type) {
case 0:
type = 'g';
case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
case 'F':
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// MSVC's printf doesn't support 'F'.
type = 'f';
// Fall through.
case 'E': case 'G':
upper = true;
internal::ReportUnknownType(type, "double");
char sign = 0;
// Use SignBit instead of value < 0 because the latter is always
// false for NaN.
if (internal::SignBit(value)) {
sign = '-';
value = -value;
} else if (spec.sign_flag()) {
sign = spec.plus_flag() ? '+' : ' ';
if (value != value) {
// Format NaN ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
std::size_t size = 4;
const char *nan = upper ? " NAN" : " nan";
if (!sign) {
CharPtr out = FormatString(nan, size, spec);
if (sign)
*out = sign;
if (internal::IsInf(value)) {
// Format infinity ourselves because sprintf's output is not consistent
// across platforms.
std::size_t size = 4;
const char *inf = upper ? " INF" : " inf";
if (!sign) {
CharPtr out = FormatString(inf, size, spec);
if (sign)
*out = sign;
std::size_t offset = buffer_.size();
unsigned width = spec.width();
if (sign) {
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.size() + (std::max)(width, 1u));
if (width > 0)
// Build format string.
enum { MAX_FORMAT_SIZE = 10}; // longest format: %#-*.*Lg
Char format[MAX_FORMAT_SIZE];
Char *format_ptr = format;
*format_ptr++ = '%';
unsigned width_for_sprintf = width;
if (spec.hash_flag())
*format_ptr++ = '#';
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER) {
width_for_sprintf = 0;
} else {
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_LEFT)
*format_ptr++ = '-';
if (width != 0)
*format_ptr++ = '*';
if (precision >= 0) {
*format_ptr++ = '.';
*format_ptr++ = '*';
if (internal::IsLongDouble<T>::VALUE)
*format_ptr++ = 'L';
*format_ptr++ = type;
*format_ptr = '\0';
// Format using snprintf.
for (;;) {
std::size_t size = buffer_.capacity() - offset;
Char *start = &buffer_[offset];
int n = internal::CharTraits<Char>::FormatFloat(
start, size, format, width_for_sprintf, precision, value);
if (n >= 0 && offset + n < buffer_.capacity()) {
if (sign) {
if ((spec.align() != ALIGN_RIGHT && spec.align() != ALIGN_DEFAULT) ||
*start != ' ') {
*(start - 1) = sign;
sign = 0;
} else {
*(start - 1) = spec.fill();
if (spec.align() == ALIGN_CENTER &&
spec.width() > static_cast<unsigned>(n)) {
unsigned width = spec.width();
CharPtr p = GrowBuffer(width);
std::copy(p, p + n, p + (width - n) / 2);
FillPadding(p, spec.width(), n, spec.fill());
if (spec.fill() != ' ' || sign) {
while (*start == ' ')
*start++ = spec.fill();
if (sign)
*(start - 1) = sign;
buffer_.reserve(n >= 0 ? offset + n + 1 : 2 * buffer_.capacity());
template <typename Char>
template <typename StringChar>
typename BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr BasicWriter<Char>::FormatString(
@ -1335,308 +1124,6 @@ class Write {
inline Formatter<Write> Print(StringRef format) {
return Formatter<Write>(format);
// Throws Exception(message) if format contains '}', otherwise throws
// FormatError reporting unmatched '{'. The idea is that unmatched '{'
// should override other errors.
template <typename Char>
void BasicFormatter<Char>::ReportError(const Char *s, StringRef message) const {
for (int num_open_braces = num_open_braces_; *s; ++s) {
if (*s == '{') {
} else if (*s == '}') {
if (--num_open_braces == 0)
throw fmt::FormatError(message);
throw fmt::FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
// Parses an unsigned integer advancing s to the end of the parsed input.
// This function assumes that the first character of s is a digit.
template <typename Char>
unsigned BasicFormatter<Char>::ParseUInt(const Char *&s) const {
assert('0' <= *s && *s <= '9');
unsigned value = 0;
do {
unsigned new_value = value * 10 + (*s++ - '0');
if (new_value < value) // Check if value wrapped around.
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
value = new_value;
} while ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9');
return value;
template <typename Char>
inline const typename BasicFormatter<Char>::Arg
&BasicFormatter<Char>::ParseArgIndex(const Char *&s) {
unsigned arg_index = 0;
if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') {
if (*s != '}' && *s != ':')
ReportError(s, "invalid argument index in format string");
if (next_arg_index_ < 0) {
"cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing");
arg_index = next_arg_index_++;
} else {
if (next_arg_index_ > 0) {
"cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing");
next_arg_index_ = -1;
arg_index = ParseUInt(s);
if (arg_index >= args_.size())
ReportError(s, "argument index is out of range in format");
return *args_[arg_index];
template <typename Char>
void BasicFormatter<Char>::CheckSign(const Char *&s, const Arg &arg) {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE) {
Format("format specifier '{0}' requires numeric argument") << *s);
if (arg.type == UINT || arg.type == ULONG) {
Format("format specifier '{0}' requires signed argument") << *s);
template <typename Char>
void BasicFormatter<Char>::DoFormat() {
const Char *start = format_;
format_ = 0;
next_arg_index_ = 0;
const Char *s = start;
typedef internal::Array<Char, BasicWriter<Char>::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE> Buffer;
BasicWriter<Char> &writer = *writer_;
while (*s) {
char c = *s++;
if (c != '{' && c != '}') continue;
if (*s == c) {
writer.buffer_.append(start, s);
start = ++s;
if (c == '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '}' in format");
num_open_braces_= 1;
writer.buffer_.append(start, s - 1);
const Arg &arg = ParseArgIndex(s);
FormatSpec spec;
int precision = -1;
if (*s == ':') {
// Parse fill and alignment.
if (char c = *s) {
const Char *p = s + 1;
spec.align_ = ALIGN_DEFAULT;
do {
switch (*p) {
case '<':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_LEFT;
case '>':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_RIGHT;
case '=':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
case '^':
spec.align_ = ALIGN_CENTER;
if (spec.align_ != ALIGN_DEFAULT) {
if (p != s) {
if (c == '}') break;
if (c == '{')
ReportError(s, "invalid fill character '{'");
s += 2;
spec.fill_ = c;
} else ++s;
if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_NUMERIC && arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '=' requires numeric argument");
} while (--p >= s);
// Parse sign.
switch (*s) {
case '+':
CheckSign(s, arg);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG | PLUS_FLAG;
case '-':
CheckSign(s, arg);
case ' ':
CheckSign(s, arg);
spec.flags_ |= SIGN_FLAG;
if (*s == '#') {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '#' requires numeric argument");
spec.flags_ |= HASH_FLAG;
// Parse width and zero flag.
if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') {
if (*s == '0') {
if (arg.type > LAST_NUMERIC_TYPE)
ReportError(s, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
spec.align_ = ALIGN_NUMERIC;
spec.fill_ = '0';
// Zero may be parsed again as a part of the width, but it is simpler
// and more efficient than checking if the next char is a digit.
unsigned value = ParseUInt(s);
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
spec.width_ = value;
// Parse precision.
if (*s == '.') {
precision = 0;
if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') {
unsigned value = ParseUInt(s);
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
precision = value;
} else if (*s == '{') {
const Arg &precision_arg = ParseArgIndex(s);
unsigned long value = 0;
switch (precision_arg.type) {
case INT:
if (precision_arg.int_value < 0)
ReportError(s, "negative precision in format");
value = precision_arg.int_value;
case UINT:
value = precision_arg.uint_value;
case LONG:
if (precision_arg.long_value < 0)
ReportError(s, "negative precision in format");
value = precision_arg.long_value;
case ULONG:
value = precision_arg.ulong_value;
ReportError(s, "precision is not integer");
if (value > INT_MAX)
ReportError(s, "number is too big in format");
precision = value;
if (*s++ != '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
} else {
ReportError(s, "missing precision in format");
if (arg.type != DOUBLE && arg.type != LONG_DOUBLE) {
"precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
// Parse type.
if (*s != '}' && *s)
spec.type_ = *s++;
if (*s++ != '}')
throw FormatError("unmatched '{' in format");
start = s;
// Format argument.
switch (arg.type) {
case INT:
writer.FormatInt(arg.int_value, spec);
case UINT:
writer.FormatInt(arg.uint_value, spec);
case LONG:
writer.FormatInt(arg.long_value, spec);
case ULONG:
writer.FormatInt(arg.ulong_value, spec);
case DOUBLE:
writer.FormatDouble(arg.double_value, spec, precision);
writer.FormatDouble(arg.long_double_value, spec, precision);
case CHAR: {
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 'c')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "char");
typedef typename BasicWriter<Char>::CharPtr CharPtr;
CharPtr out = CharPtr();
if (spec.width_ > 1) {
out = writer.GrowBuffer(spec.width_);
if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
std::fill_n(out, spec.width_ - 1, spec.fill_);
out += spec.width_ - 1;
} else if (spec.align_ == ALIGN_CENTER) {
out = writer.FillPadding(out, spec.width_, 1, spec.fill_);
} else {
std::fill_n(out + 1, spec.width_ - 1, spec.fill_);
} else {
out = writer.GrowBuffer(1);
*out = arg.int_value;
case STRING: {
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 's')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "string");
const Char *str = arg.string.value;
std::size_t size = arg.string.size;
if (size == 0) {
if (!str)
throw FormatError("string pointer is null");
if (*str)
size = std::char_traits<Char>::length(str);
writer.FormatString(str, size, spec);
if (spec.type_ && spec.type_ != 'p')
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "pointer");
spec.flags_= HASH_FLAG;
spec.type_ = 'x';
writer.FormatInt(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(arg.pointer_value), spec);
case CUSTOM:
if (spec.type_)
internal::ReportUnknownType(spec.type_, "object");
arg.custom.format(writer, arg.custom.value, spec);
writer.buffer_.append(start, s);
#endif // FORMAT_H_
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