Initial implementation of optimal compile-time formatter generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -321,6 +321,140 @@ class compiled_format : private compiled_format_base<S> {
explicit constexpr compiled_format(basic_string_view<char_type> format_str)
explicit constexpr compiled_format(basic_string_view<char_type> format_str)
: compiled_format_base<S>(format_str), format_str_(format_str) {}
: compiled_format_base<S>(format_str), format_str_(format_str) {}
#ifdef __cpp_if_constexpr
template <typename... Args> struct type_list {};
// Returns a reference to the argument at index N from [first, rest...].
template <int N, typename T, typename... Args>
const auto& get(const T& first, const Args&... rest) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) == 0)
return first;
return get(rest...);
template <int N, typename> struct get_type_impl;
template <int N, typename... Args> struct get_type_impl<N, type_list<Args...>> {
using type = remove_cvref_t<decltype(get<N>(std::declval<Args>()...))>;
template <int N, typename T>
using get_type = typename get_type_impl<N, T>::type;
template <typename Char> struct text {
basic_string_view<Char> data;
template <typename OutputIt, typename... Args>
OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&...) {
// TODO: reserve
return copy_str<Char>(data.begin(), data.end(), out);
template <typename Char>
constexpr text<Char> make_text(basic_string_view<Char> s, size_t pos,
size_t size) {
return {{&s[pos], size}};
template <typename Char, typename OutputIt, typename T,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0>
OutputIt format_default(OutputIt out, T value) {
// TODO: reserve
format_int fi(value);
return std::copy(, + fi.size(), out);
template <typename Char, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt format_default(OutputIt out, Char value) {
*out++ = value;
return out;
template <typename Char, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt format_default(OutputIt out, const Char* value) {
auto length = std::char_traits<Char>::length(value);
return copy_str<Char>(value, value + length, out);
// A replacement field that refers to argument N.
template <typename Char, typename T, int N> struct field {
template <typename OutputIt, typename... Args>
OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&... args) {
// This ensures that the argument type is convertile to `const T&`.
const T& arg = get<N>(args...);
return format_default<Char>(out, arg);
template <typename L, typename R> struct concat {
L lhs;
R rhs;
template <typename OutputIt, typename... Args>
OutputIt format(OutputIt out, const Args&... args) {
out = lhs.format(out, args...);
return rhs.format(out, args...);
template <typename L, typename R>
constexpr concat<L, R> make_concat(L lhs, R rhs) {
return {lhs, rhs};
template <typename Char>
constexpr size_t parse_text(basic_string_view<Char> str, size_t pos) {
for (size_t size = str.size(); pos != size; ++pos) {
if (str[pos] == '{' || str[pos] == '}') break;
return pos;
template <typename Args, size_t POS, int ID, typename S>
constexpr auto compile_format_string(S format_str);
template <typename Args, size_t POS, int ID, typename T, typename S>
auto parse_tail(T head, S format_str) {
if constexpr (POS != to_string_view(format_str).size())
return make_concat(head, compile_format_string<Args, POS, ID>(format_str));
return head;
template <typename Args, size_t POS, int ID, typename S>
constexpr auto compile_format_string(S format_str) {
using char_type = char_t<S>;
constexpr basic_string_view<char_type> str = format_str;
if constexpr (str.size() == 0) {
return make_text(str, 0, 0);
} else if constexpr (str[POS] == '{') {
if (POS + 1 == str.size())
throw format_error("unmatched '{' in format string");
if constexpr (str[POS + 1] == '{') {
return parse_tail<Args, POS + 2, ID>(make_text(str, POS, 1), format_str);
} else if constexpr (str[POS + 1] == '}') {
return parse_tail<Args, POS + 2, ID + 1>(
field<char_type, get_type<ID, Args>, ID>(), format_str);
} else {
throw format_error("invalid format string");
} else if constexpr (str[POS] == '}') {
if (POS + 1 == str.size())
throw format_error("unmatched '}' in format string");
return parse_tail<Args, POS + 2, ID>(make_text(str, POS, 1), format_str);
} else {
constexpr auto end = parse_text(str, POS + 1);
return parse_tail<Args, end, ID>(make_text(str, POS, end - POS),
template <typename... Args, typename S> constexpr auto compile(S format_str) {
return compile_format_string<type_list<Args...>, 0, 0>(format_str);
#endif // __cpp_if_constexpr
} // namespace internal
} // namespace internal
@ -295,6 +295,8 @@ template <typename Char> class basic_string_view {
FMT_CONSTEXPR iterator begin() const { return data_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR iterator begin() const { return data_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR iterator end() const { return data_ + size_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR iterator end() const { return data_ + size_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR const Char& operator[](size_t pos) const { return data_[pos]; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR void remove_prefix(size_t n) {
FMT_CONSTEXPR void remove_prefix(size_t n) {
data_ += n;
data_ += n;
size_ -= n;
size_ -= n;
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