Alex 9661838676 rev.(UML-1899): рабочий пример EtherCAT Slave на CM
Работает. Есть CiA402, OD из SSC Tool. Автономный со своим main(). Проверялся тестами на SOEM.
2024-02-02 12:33:48 +03:00

267 lines
12 KiB

* This source file is part of the EtherCAT Slave Stack Code licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co KG, 33415 Verl, Germany.
* The corresponding license agreement applies. This hint shall not be removed.
* https://www.beckhoff.com/media/downloads/slave-stack-code/ethercat_ssc_license.pdf
\addtogroup EcatAppl EtherCAT application
\file applInterface.h
\author EthercatSSC@beckhoff.com
\brief Definition of the application interface functions
\version 5.13
<br>Changes to version V5.12:<br>
V5.13 COE4: update default entry name handling in case of 16Bit characters, add CoE Read/write indication functions<br>
<br>Changes to version V5.11:<br>
V5.12 APPL1: add optional application function called from the main loop (after mbx and esm are executed)<br>
V5.12 EEPROM3: implement a store EEPROM timeout handler<br>
V5.12 EOE1: move icmp sample to the sampleappl,add EoE application interface functions<br>
V5.12 FOE1: update new interface,move the FoE sample to sampleappl,add FoE application callback functions<br>
<br>Changes to version - :<br>
V5.10.1 : Start file change log
------ Includes
#include "ecat_def.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "esc.h"
#include "ecatslv.h"
#include "objdef.h"
#include "ecatappl.h"
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if DIAGNOSIS_SUPPORTED) lines 49 to 51 deleted*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if EOE_SUPPORTED) lines 54 to 56 deleted*/
#include "foeappl.h"
#endif /*#ifndef _APPL_INTERFACE_H_*/
#if defined(_APPL_INTERFACE_) && (_APPL_INTERFACE_ == 1)
#define PROTO
#define PROTO extern
------ Function pointer which are used to call optional functions from the application
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if ESC_EEPROM_EMULATION) lines 76 to 122 deleted*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if EOE_SUPPORTED) lines 125 to 152 deleted*/
\param pName Pointer to the name of the file (the pointer is null if the function is called due to a previous busy state)
\param nameSize Length of the file name (the value is 0 if the function is called due to a previous busy state)
\param password Password for the file read (the value is 0 if the function is called due to a previous busy state)
\param maxBlockSize Maximum size of a data block (copied to pData)
\param pData Destination pointer for the first FoE fragment
\return block size:
< FOE_MAXBUSY-101 (0x7F95)
FOE_MAXBUSY-100 (0%) (0x7FFA - 0x64)
FOE_MAXBUSY (100%) (0x7FFA)
\brief The function is called when a file read request was received. The Foe fragments shall always have the length of "maxBlockSize" till the last file fragment.
\brief In case that the file size is a multiple of "maxBlockSize" 0 shall be returned after the last fragment.
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO UINT16 (*pAPPL_FoeRead)(UINT16 MBXMEM * pName, UINT16 nameSize, UINT32 password, UINT16 maxBlockSize, UINT16 *pData);
\param offset File offset which shall be transmitted next
\param maxBlockSize Maximum size of a data block (copied to pData)
\param pData Destination pointer for the next foe fragment
\return block size:
< FOE_MAXBUSY-101 (0x7F95)
FOE_MAXBUSY-100 (0%) (0x7FFA - 0x64)
FOE_MAXBUSY (100%) (0x7FFA)
\brief The function is called to transmit FoE read data 2 .. n (the slave received an acknowledge on a previous accepted file read request). The Foe fragments shall always have the length of "maxBlockSize" till the last file fragment.
\brief In case that the file size is a multiple of "maxBlockSize" 0 shall be returned after the last fragment.
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO UINT16(*pAPPL_FoeReadData)(UINT32 offset, UINT16 maxBlockSize, UINT16 *pData);
\param errorCode Error code send by the EtherCAT master
\brief The function is called when the master has send an FoE Abort.
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO void(*pAPPL_FoeError)(UINT32 errorCode);
\param pName Pointer to the name of the file
\param nameSize Length of the file name
\param password Password for the file read
\return okay, or an error code
0 (okay)
\brief This function is called on a received FoE write request.
\brief (no busy response shall be returned by this function. If the slave requires some time to handle the incoming data the function pAPPL_FoeData() shall return a busy)
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO UINT16 (*pAPPL_FoeWrite)(UINT16 MBXMEM * pName, UINT16 nameSize, UINT32 password);
\param pData Received file data
\param Size Length of received file data
\param bDataFollowing TRUE if more FoE Data requests are following
\return okay, busy or an error code
0 (okay)
FOE_MAXBUSY-100 (0%) (0x7FFa - 100)
FOE_MAXBUSY (100%) (0x7FFA)
\brief This function is called on a FoE Data request
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO UINT16(*pAPPL_FoeWriteData)(UINT16 MBXMEM * pData, UINT16 Size, BOOL bDataFollowing);
\param Index Index of the object to be read
\param Subindex Subindex of the object entry to be read
\param CompleteAccess Indicates if the object is read with complete access
\brief The function is called before an object/entry is read
PROTO void(*pAPPL_CoeReadInd)(UINT16 Index, UINT8 Subindex, BOOL CompleteAccess);
\param Index Index of the object which was written
\param Subindex Subindex of the object entry which was written
\param CompleteAccess Indicates if the object was written with complete access
\brief The function is called after an object/entry was successfully written
PROTO void(*pAPPL_CoeWriteInd)(UINT16 Index, UINT8 Subindex, BOOL CompleteAccess);
\brief This function is called by the SSC from the main loop
\brief The function pointer is reset in MainInit() so it shall be set afterwards
PROTO void(*pAPPL_MainLoop)();
------ Functions provided by the SSC to be called from the application
\return 0 if successful or greater 0 in case of an error
\brief Initialize the generic slave stack.
\brief This function should be called after the platform including operating system and
\brief ESC is ready to use.
PROTO UINT16 MainInit(void);
\brief This function handles the low priority function like EtherCAT state machine
\brief handling, mailbox protocols and if no synchronization is enabled also the
\brief application.
\brief This function shall be called cyclically from the application.
PROTO void MainLoop(void);
\param alStatus requested AL Status
\param alStatusCode requested AL Status Code
\brief This function shall be called by the application to trigger state transition in case
\brief of an application error or to complete a pending transition.
\brief If the function was called due to an error it shall be again if the error is gone.
\brief NOTE: state requests to a higher state than the current state are not allowed.
PROTO void ECAT_StateChange(UINT8 alStatus, UINT16 alStatusCode);
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if EOE_SUPPORTED) lines 348 to 361 deleted*/
#undef PROTO