Работает. Есть CiA402, OD из SSC Tool. Автономный со своим main(). Проверялся тестами на SOEM.
486 lines
31 KiB
486 lines
31 KiB
* This source file is part of the EtherCAT Slave Stack Code licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co KG, 33415 Verl, Germany.
* The corresponding license agreement applies. This hint shall not be removed.
* \addtogroup ESM EtherCAT State Machine
* @{
\file ecatslv.h
\version 5.13
<br>Changes to version V5.12:<br>
V5.13 EMCY1: update emergency diagcodes for invalid sm configuration<br>
V5.13 ESM1: local error handling update, ECAT_StateChange triggers only transitions from Op->Any or reject/accept a pending transition<br>
<br>Changes to version V5.11:<br>
V5.12 COE4: add timestamp object (0x10F8) and update diagnosis handling<br>
V5.12 ECAT6: remove mailbox SyncManager if no mailbox is supported (SM0 Output, SM1 Input)<br>
<br>Changes to version V5.10:<br>
V5.11 ECAT10: change PROTO handling to prevent compiler errors<br>
V5.11 ECAT4: enhance SM/Sync monitoring for input/output only slaves<br>
V5.11 ESM7: "add Sync define for 0x22 (""SYNCTYPE_SM2_SYNCHRON""), support value 0x22 for 0x1C33.1 (SM2 sync)"<br>
V5.11 HW1: "move hardware independent functions ""HW_DisableSyncManChannel()"", ""HW_EnableSyncManChannel()"", ""HW_GetSyncMan()"", ""HW_ResetALEventMask()"", ""HW_SetALEventMask()"" to ecatalv.c"<br>
<br>Changes to version V5.01:<br>
V5.10 COE1: Define one entry description for all 0x1C3x objects and change data type of SI11,12,13 to UINT16 (according ETG.1020)<br>
V5.10 ECAT12: Add new AL Status Codes (0x2E,0x52,0x70)<br>
V5.10 ECAT13: Update Synchronisation handling (FreeRun,SM Sync, Sync0, Sync1)<br>
Compare DC UINT configuration (by ESC Config data) vs. DC activation register settings<br>
Update 0x1C3x entries<br>
<br>Changes to version - :<br>
V5.01 : Start file change log
------ Includes
#include "ecat_def.h"
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if EL9800_HW #elif FC1100_HW #elif MCI_HW) lines 47 to 53 deleted*/
#include "esc.h"
#include "f2838x_cm_hw.h"
#ifndef _ECATSLV_H_
#define _ECATSLV_H_
------ Defines and Types
/* the old definition was not working with all compilers */
/* old: #define OBJGETNEXTSTR(p) ( (OBJCONST CHAR OBJMEM * )( ((UINT32) p) + OBJSTRLEN( (OBJCONST CHAR OBJMEM *) p ) + 1 ) ) */
#define OBJGETNEXTSTR(p) ( (OBJCONST CHAR OBJMEM * )( &((p)[OBJSTRLEN( (OBJCONST CHAR OBJMEM *) (p) ) + 1]) ) ) /**< \brief Macro to get next name within the objetc name string*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BIG_ENDIAN_FORMAT) lines 75 to 115 deleted*/
#ifndef LO_BYTE
#define LO_BYTE 0 /**< \brief LowByte within an WORD*/
#ifndef HI_BYTE
#define HI_BYTE 1 /**< \brief HighByte within an WORD*/
#ifndef LOLO_BYTE
#define LOLO_BYTE 0 /**< \brief LowLowByte within an DWORD*/
#ifndef LOHI_BYTE
#define LOHI_BYTE 1 /**< \brief LowHighByte within an DWORD*/
#ifndef HILO_BYTE
#define HILO_BYTE 2 /**< \brief HighLowByte within an DWORD*/
#ifndef HIHI_BYTE
#define HIHI_BYTE 3 /**< \brief HighHighByte within an DWORD*/
#ifndef LO_WORD
#define LO_WORD 0 /**< \brief LowWord within an DWORD*/
#ifndef HI_WORD
#define HI_WORD 1 /**< \brief HighWord within an DWORD*/
#ifndef SWAPWORD
#define SWAPWORD(x) (x) /**< \brief Macro to swap a WORD*/
#define SWAPDWORD(x) (x) /**< \brief Macro to swap a DWORD*/
#ifndef LOBYTE
#define LOBYTE(x) ((x)&0xFF) /**< \brief LowByte mask*/
#ifndef HIBYTE
#define HIBYTE(x) (((x)&0xFF00)>>8)/**< \brief HighwByte mask*/
#ifndef LOLOBYTE
#define LOLOBYTE(x) ((x)&0xFF)/**< \brief LowLowByte mask*/
#ifndef LOHIBYTE
#define LOHIBYTE(x) (((x)&0xFF00)>>8)/**< \brief LowHighByte mask*/
#ifndef HILOBYTE
#define HILOBYTE(x) (((x)&0xFF0000)>>16)/**< \brief HighLowByte mask*/
#ifndef HIHIBYTE
#define HIHIBYTE(x) (((x)&0xFF000000)>>24)/**< \brief HighHighByte mask*/
#ifndef LOWORD
#define LOWORD(x) ((x)&0xFFFF)/**< \brief LowWord mask*/
#ifndef HIWORD
#define HIWORD(x) (((x)&0xFFFF0000)>>16)/**< \brief HighByte mask*/
#ifndef BIT2BYTE
#define BIT2BYTE(x) (((x)+7)>>3) /**< \brief Macro to convert Bit size to Byte size (round up)*/
#ifndef BYTE2BIT
#define BYTE2BIT(x) ((x)<<3) /**< \brief Macro to convert Byte size to Bit size*/
#ifndef BIT2WORD
#define BIT2WORD(x) (((x)+15)>>4) /**< \brief Macro to convert Bit size to Word size (round up)*/
#ifndef BYTE2WORD
#define BYTE2WORD(x) (((x)+1)>>1) /**< \brief Macro to convert Bytes size to Word size (round up)*/
#define ROUNDUPBYTE2WORD(x) ((((x)+1)>>1)<<1) /**< \brief Round up Byte size to even number of Words*/
- State defines
#define STATE_INIT ((UINT8) 0x01) /**< \brief State INIT*/
#define STATE_PREOP ((UINT8) 0x02) /**< \brief State PreOP*/
#define STATE_BOOT ((UINT8) 0x03) /**< \brief State BOOT*/
#define STATE_SAFEOP ((UINT8) 0x04) /**< \brief State SafeOP*/
#define STATE_OP ((UINT8) 0x08) /**< \brief State OP*/
#define STATE_MASK ((UINT8) 0x0F) /**< \brief State mask*/
#define STATE_CHANGE ((UINT8) 0x10) /**< \brief State change (Error indication/acknowledge) mask and value*/
#define STATE_DEVID ((UINT8) 0x20) /**< \brief Request/response Explicit device ID*/
#define STATE_VALID(x) ((((x) & STATE_MASK) == STATE_INIT) || (((x) & STATE_MASK) == STATE_PREOP) || (((x) & STATE_MASK) == STATE_SAFEOP) || (((x) & STATE_MASK) == STATE_OP)) /**< \brief Check if one of the mandatory supported state values are set*/
#define BOOT_2_INIT ((UINT8)((STATE_BOOT) << 4) | (STATE_INIT)) /**< \brief State transition BOOT to INIT*/
#define BOOT_2_PREOP ((UINT8)((STATE_BOOT) << 4) | (STATE_PREOP)) /**< \brief State transition BOOT to INIT*/
#define BOOT_2_SAFEOP ((UINT8)((STATE_BOOT) << 4) | (STATE_SAFEOP)) /**< \brief State transition BOOT to INIT*/
#define BOOT_2_OP ((UINT8)((STATE_BOOT) << 4) | (STATE_OP)) /**< \brief State transition BOOT to INIT*/
#define INIT_2_BOOT ((UINT8)((STATE_INIT) << 4) | (STATE_BOOT)) /**< \brief State transition INIT to BOOT*/
#define PREOP_2_BOOT ((UINT8)((STATE_PREOP) << 4) | (STATE_BOOT)) /**< \brief State transition PREOP to BOOT*/
#define SAFEOP_2_BOOT ((UINT8)((STATE_SAFEOP) << 4) | (STATE_BOOT)) /**< \brief State transition SAFEOP to BOOT*/
#define OP_2_BOOT ((UINT8)((STATE_OP) << 4) | (STATE_BOOT)) /**< \brief State transition OP to BOOT*/
#define INIT_2_INIT ((UINT8)((STATE_INIT) << 4) | (STATE_INIT)) /**< \brief State transition INIT to INIT*/
#define INIT_2_PREOP ((UINT8)((STATE_INIT) << 4) | (STATE_PREOP)) /**< \brief State transition INIT to PREOP*/
#define INIT_2_SAFEOP ((UINT8)((STATE_INIT) << 4) | (STATE_SAFEOP)) /**< \brief State transition INIT to SAFEOP*/
#define INIT_2_OP ((UINT8)((STATE_INIT) << 4) | (STATE_OP)) /**< \brief State transition INIT to OP*/
#define PREOP_2_INIT ((UINT8)((STATE_PREOP) << 4) | (STATE_INIT)) /**< \brief State transition PREOP to INIT*/
#define PREOP_2_PREOP ((UINT8)((STATE_PREOP) << 4) | (STATE_PREOP)) /**< \brief State transition PREOP to PREOP*/
#define PREOP_2_SAFEOP ((UINT8)((STATE_PREOP) << 4) | (STATE_SAFEOP)) /**< \brief State transition PREOP to SAFEOP*/
#define PREOP_2_OP ((UINT8)((STATE_PREOP) << 4) | (STATE_OP)) /**< \brief State transition PREOP to OP*/
#define SAFEOP_2_INIT ((UINT8)((STATE_SAFEOP) << 4) | (STATE_INIT)) /**< \brief State transition SAFEOP to INIT*/
#define SAFEOP_2_PREOP ((UINT8)((STATE_SAFEOP) << 4) | (STATE_PREOP)) /**< \brief State transition SAFEOP to PREOP*/
#define SAFEOP_2_SAFEOP ((UINT8)((STATE_SAFEOP) << 4) | (STATE_SAFEOP)) /**< \brief State transition SAFEOP to SAFEOP*/
#define SAFEOP_2_OP ((UINT8)((STATE_SAFEOP) << 4) |( STATE_OP)) /**< \brief State transition SAFEOP to OP*/
#define OP_2_INIT ((UINT8)((STATE_OP) << 4) | (STATE_INIT)) /**< \brief State transition OP to INIT*/
#define OP_2_PREOP ((UINT8)((STATE_OP) << 4) | (STATE_PREOP)) /**< \brief State transition OP to PREOP*/
#define OP_2_SAFEOP ((UINT8)((STATE_OP) << 4) | (STATE_SAFEOP)) /**< \brief State transition OP to SAFEOP*/
#define OP_2_OP ((UINT8)((STATE_OP) << 4) | (STATE_OP)) /**< \brief State transition OP to OP*/
ESM transition error codes
#define SYNCMANCHSIZE 0x00 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid SyncManager size*/
#define SYNCMANCHADDRESS 0x01 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid SyncManager address*/
#define SYNCMANCHSETTINGS 0x02 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid SyncManager settings*/
#define ERROR_SYNCMANCH(code, channel) ((code)+((channel)<<2)) /**< \brief Macro to add SyncManager channel*/
#define ERROR_SYNCMANCHADDRESS(channel) ((SYNCMANCHADDRESS)+((channel)<<2)) /**< \brief Macro to add SyncManager channel*/
#define ERROR_SYNCMANCHSIZE(channel) ((SYNCMANCHSIZE)+((channel)<<2)) /**< \brief Macro to add SyncManager channel*/
#define ERROR_SYNCMANCHSETTINGS(channel) ((SYNCMANCHSETTINGS)+((channel)<<2)) /**< \brief Macro to add SyncManager channel*/
#define ERROR_SYNCTYPES 0x80 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid Sync types*/
#define ERROR_DCSYNCCONTROL 0x81 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid DC Sync control*/
#define ERROR_DCSYNC0CYCLETIME 0x82 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid Sync0 cycle time*/
#define ERROR_DCSYNC1CYCLETIME 0x83 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid Sync1 cycle time*/
#define ERROR_DCCYCLEPARAMETER 0x84 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid Cycle parameter*/
#define ERROR_DCLATCHCONTROL 0x85 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid Latch control*/
#define ERROR_INVALIDSTATE 0xF0 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an invalid State*/
#define ERROR_NOMEMORY 0xF1 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for no memory*/
#define ERROR_OBJECTDICTIONARY 0xF2 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for generic object dictionary error*/
#define ERROR_NOSYNCMANACCESS 0xF3 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for no SyncManager access*/
#define ERROR_NOOFRXPDOS 0xF4 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for no RxPDOs*/
#define ERROR_NOOFTXPDOS 0xF5 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for no TxPDOs*/
#define ERROR_STATECHANGE 0xF6 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code state change error*/
#define NOERROR_NOSTATECHANGE 0xFE /**< \brief Indicates no state change*/
#define NOERROR_INWORK 0xFF /**< \brief Indication for no error but operation is pending*/
#define EMCY_SM_ERRORCODE 0xA000 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for an SyncManager error*/
#define EMCY_SM_DEVICESPECIFIC 0xFF00 /**< \brief Emergency and Diagnosis code for a device specific error*/
- AL Status Codes
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOERROR 0x0000 /**< \brief No error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_UNSPECIFIEDERROR 0x0001 /**< \brief Unspecified error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOMEMORY 0x0002 /**< \brief No Memory*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALID_REVISION 0x0004 /**< \brief Output/Input mapping is not valid for this hardware or software revision (0x1018:03)*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_FW_SII_NOT_MATCH 0x0006 /**< \brief Firmware and EEPROM do not match. Slave needs BOOT-INIT transition*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_FW_UPDATE_FAILED 0x0007 /**< \brief Firmware update not successful. Old firmware still running*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDALCONTROL 0x0011 /**< \brief Invalid requested state change*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_UNKNOWNALCONTROL 0x0012 /**< \brief Unknown requested state*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_BOOTNOTSUPP 0x0013 /**< \brief Bootstrap not supported*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOVALIDFIRMWARE 0x0014 /**< \brief No valid firmware*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDMBXCFGINBOOT 0x0015 /**< \brief Invalid mailbox configuration (BOOT state)*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDMBXCFGINPREOP 0x0016 /**< \brief Invalid mailbox configuration (PreOP state)*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDSMCFG 0x0017 /**< \brief Invalid sync manager configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOVALIDINPUTS 0x0018 /**< \brief No valid inputs available*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOVALIDOUTPUTS 0x0019 /**< \brief No valid outputs*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SYNCERROR 0x001A /**< \brief Synchronization error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SMWATCHDOG 0x001B /**< \brief Sync manager watchdog*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SYNCTYPESNOTCOMPATIBLE 0x001C /**< \brief Invalid Sync Manager Types*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDSMOUTCFG 0x001D /**< \brief Invalid Output Configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDSMINCFG 0x001E /**< \brief Invalid Input Configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDWDCFG 0x001F /**< \brief Invalid Watchdog Configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_WAITFORCOLDSTART 0x0020 /**< \brief Slave needs cold start*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_WAITFORINIT 0x0021 /**< \brief Slave needs INIT*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_WAITFORPREOP 0x0022 /**< \brief Slave needs PREOP*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_WAITFORSAFEOP 0x0023 /**< \brief Slave needs SAFEOP*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDINPUTMAPPING 0x0024 /**< \brief Invalid Input Mapping*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INVALIDOUTPUTMAPPING 0x0025 /**< \brief Invalid Output Mapping*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_INCONSISTENTSETTINGS 0x0026 /**< \brief Inconsistent Settings*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_FREERUNNOTSUPPORTED 0x0027 /**< \brief FreeRun not supported*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SYNCHRONNOTSUPPORTED 0x0028 /**< \brief SyncMode not supported*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_FREERUNNEEDS3BUFFERMODE 0x0029 /**< \brief FreeRun needs 3Buffer Mode*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_BACKGROUNDWATCHDOG 0x002A /**< \brief Background Watchdog*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOVALIDINPUTSANDOUTPUTS 0x002B /**< \brief No Valid Inputs and Outputs*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_FATALSYNCERROR 0x002C /**< \brief Fatal Sync Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_NOSYNCERROR 0x002D /**< \brief No Sync Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_CYCLETIMETOOSMALL 0x002E /**< \brief EtherCAT cycle time smaller Minimum Cycle Time supported by slave*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCINVALIDSYNCCFG 0x0030 /**< \brief Invalid DC SYNCH Configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCINVALIDLATCHCFG 0x0031 /**< \brief Invalid DC Latch Configuration*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCPLLSYNCERROR 0x0032 /**< \brief PLL Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCSYNCIOERROR 0x0033 /**< \brief DC Sync IO Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCSYNCMISSEDERROR 0x0034 /**< \brief DC Sync Timeout Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCINVALIDSYNCCYCLETIME 0x0035 /**< \brief DC Invalid Sync Cycle Time*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCSYNC0CYCLETIME 0x0036 /**< \brief DC Sync0 Cycle Time*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DCSYNC1CYCLETIME 0x0037 /**< \brief DC Sync1 Cycle Time*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_AOE 0x0041 /**< \brief MBX_AOE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_EOE 0x0042 /**< \brief MBX_EOE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_COE 0x0043 /**< \brief MBX_COE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_FOE 0x0044 /**< \brief MBX_FOE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_SOE 0x0045 /**< \brief MBX_SOE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MBX_VOE 0x004F /**< \brief MBX_VOE*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_EE_NOACCESS 0x0050 /**< \brief EEPROM no access*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_EE_ERROR 0x0051 /**< \brief EEPROM Error*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_EXT_HARDWARE_NOT_READY 0x0052 /**< \brief External hardware not ready. This AL Status Code should be used if the EtherCAT-Slave refused the state transition due to an external connection to another device or signal is missing*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_DEVICE_IDENT_VALUE_UPDATED 0x0061 /**< \brief In legacy identification mode (dip switch mapped to register 0x12) this error is returned if the EEPROM ID value does not match to dipswitch value*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_MODULE_ID_LIST_NOT_MATCH 0x0070 /**< \brief Detected Module Ident List (0xF030) and Configured Module Ident List (0xF050) does not match*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_TOO_LOW 0x0080 /**< \brief The slave supply voltage is too low*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_TOO_HIGH 0x0081 /**< \brief The slave supply voltage is too high*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW 0x0082 /**< \brief The slave temperature is too low*/
#define ALSTATUSCODE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH 0x0083 /**< \brief The slave temperature is too high*/
- Configured Sync Type (0x1C32.1 / 0x1C33.1)
#define SYNCTYPE_FREERUN 0x0000 /**< \brief Sync type FreeRun*/
#define SYNCTYPE_SM_SYNCHRON 0x0001 /**< \brief SyncManager synchron (synchron to the corresponding SM, 0x1C32.1 -> SM2 ; 0x1C33.1 -> SM3) */
#define SYNCTYPE_SM2_SYNCHRON 0x0022 /**< \brief SyncManager2 synchron (only used for 0x1C33.1)*/
#define SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC0 0x0002 /**< \brief Sync type Sync0 synchron*/
#define SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC1 0x0003 /**< \brief Sync type Sync1 synchron*/
- AL Event masks
#define AL_CONTROL_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x01) /**< \brief AL Control event*/
#define SYNC0_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x04) /**< \brief Sync0 event*/
#define SYNC1_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x08) /**< \brief Sync1 event*/
#define SM_CHANGE_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x10) /**< \brief SyncManager changed event*/
#define EEPROM_CMD_PENDING ((UINT16) 0x20) /**< \brief EEPROM command pending*/
#define MAILBOX_WRITE_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x0100) /**< \brief MBoxOut write event*/
#define MAILBOX_READ_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x0200) /**< \brief MBoxIn read event*/
#define PROCESS_OUTPUT_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x0400) /**< \brief Output process data write event*/
#define PROCESS_INPUT_EVENT ((UINT16) 0x0800) /**< \brief Input process data read event*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if MAILBOX_SUPPORTED #else) lines 380 to 383 deleted*/
#define MAILBOX_WRITE 0 /**< \brief SyncManager ID for MBoxOut (master to slave)*/
#define MAILBOX_READ 1 /**< \brief SyncManager ID for MBoxIn (slave to master)*/
#define PROCESS_DATA_OUT 2 /**< \brief SyncManager ID for output process data (master to slave)*/
#define PROCESS_DATA_IN 3 /**< \brief SyncManager ID for input process data (slave to master)*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if MAILBOX_SUPPORTED #else) lines 390 to 393 deleted*/
- Codes for LED
bit 7: invert flag
bit 6: toggle (if toggle == 1 and number of flashes == 0 => infinite toggle)
bit 5: fast toggle flag (50ms cycle)
bit 4-0: number of flashes
#define LED_OFF 0x00 /**< \brief LED off*/
#define LED_FLICKERING 0x60 /**< \brief LED flickering*/
#define LED_BLINKING 0x40 /**< \brief LED blinking*/
#define LED_SINGLEFLASH 0x41 /**< \brief LED single flash*/
#define LED_DOUBLEFLASH 0x42 /**< \brief LED double flash*/
#define LED_INVERT_DOUBLEFLASH 0xC2 /**< \brief LED invert double flash*/
#define LED_ON 0x01 /**< \brief LED on*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#elif ESC_SUPPORT_ECAT_LED) lines 414 to 422 deleted*/
#define MEMORY_START_ADDRESS 0x1000 /**< \brief ESC DPRAM start address*/
#define DC_SYNC_ACTIVE ESC_DC_SYNC0_ACTIVE_MASK /**< \brief Expected activated Sync signals by the master*/
#define DC_EVENT_MASK PROCESS_OUTPUT_EVENT /**< \brief AL Event mask (value of register 0x204) in case of DC synchronisation*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if MAX_PD_OUTPUT_SIZE > 0 #else) lines 434 to 436 deleted*/
#endif //_ECATSLV_H_
#if defined(_ECATSLV_) && (_ECATSLV_ == 1)
#define PROTO
#define PROTO extern
------ Global Variables
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BOOTSTRAPMODE_SUPPORTED) lines 452 to 454 deleted*/
PROTO BOOL bEcatOutputUpdateRunning; /**< \brief Indicates the OP state, will be set in StartOutputHandler
and reset in StopOutputHandler*/
PROTO BOOL bEcatInputUpdateRunning; /**< \brief Indicates the SAFEOP or OP state, will be set in StartInputHandler
and reset in Stop InputHandler*/
PROTO BOOL bEcatFirstOutputsReceived; /**< \brief Indicates if outputs were received (SM2-event)
or inputs were read (SM3-event, if the output size is 0),
has to be set by the application and reset in StopOutputHandler*/
PROTO BOOL bWdTrigger; /**< \brief Indicates that the SM2 WD trigger bit (0x814 bit6) is set.*/
PROTO BOOL bDcSyncActive; /**< \brief Indicates that the Distributed Clocks synchronization is active,*/
PROTO INT16 EsmTimeoutCounter; /**< \brief Counter used to detect an ESM timeout.
-1 indicates a deactivated counter and 0 is expired*/
#define MAX_SM_EVENT_MISSED 4 /**< \brief threshold of max missed counter value (0x1C32.11 / 0x1C33.11)*/
PROTO BOOL bDcRunning; /**< \brief Indicates if Sync0 events are received*/
PROTO UINT16 u16SmSync0Counter; /**< /brief Incremented by one on every Sync0 event and reset to 0 on every SM event. It is used to check the SM/Sync0 sequence */
PROTO UINT16 u16SmSync0Value; /**< /brief Allowed Sync0 events within one SM cycle. If 0 the Sequence check is disabled */
PROTO BOOL bSmSyncSequenceValid; /**< \brief Set to true if SM/Sync0 sequence is valid*/
PROTO INT16 i16WaitForPllRunningTimeout; /**< \brief The time bPllRunnig shall be true while state change from SafeOp to Op*/
PROTO INT16 i16WaitForPllRunningCnt; /**< \brief Incremented with every valid Sync-SyncManger cycle */
PROTO UINT16 Sync0WdCounter; /**< \brief Sync0 watchdog counter*/
PROTO UINT16 Sync0WdValue; /**< \brief Sync0 watchdog value*/
PROTO UINT16 Sync1WdCounter; /**< \brief Sync1 watchdog counter*/
PROTO UINT16 Sync1WdValue; /**< \brief Sync1 watchdog value*/
PROTO UINT16 LatchInputSync0Value; /**< \brief Sync0 event on which the inputs shall be latched and copied to the ESC buffer. If the inputs shall be latched base don Sync1 the value is set to 0.*/
PROTO UINT16 LatchInputSync0Counter; /**< \brief Sync0 counter used to get the Sync0 event to latch the Inputs. */
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !COE_SUPPORTED) lines 500 to 502 deleted*/
PROTO BOOL bEscIntEnabled; /**< \brief Indicates that the ESC interrupt is enabled (SM2/3 or SYNC0/1-event),
will be set in StartInputHandler and reset in StopInputHandler*/
PROTO BOOL b3BufferMode; /**< \brief Indicates that inputs and outputs are running in 3-Buffer-Mode*/
PROTO UINT16 u16LocalErrorCode; /**< \brief Reason for local error*/
PROTO UINT8 u8LocalErrorState; /**< \brief State of the current local error (lower state could be set by the master)*/
PROTO BOOL bApplEsmPending; /**< \brief Indicates if the local application ESM function need to be called from Al_ConntrolRes (is true if NOERR_INWORK is returned by generic ESM function)*/
PROTO BOOL bEcatWaitForAlControlRes; /**< \brief Contains the information that the state machine waits for an acknowledge
for the last AL_ControlInd from the application/generic stack*/
PROTO UINT16 nEcatStateTrans; /**< \brief Current state transition*/
PROTO UINT8 u8EcatErrorLed; /**< \brief Current value of the error LED*/
PROTO UINT8 u8EcatRunLed; /**< \brief Current value of the run LED*/
PROTO UINT16 nPdInputSize; /**< \brief Contains the input size (SM3 size)/SM2 if no outputs are supported, has to be written by the application*/
PROTO UINT16 nPdOutputSize; /**< \brief Contains the output size (SM2 size), has to be written by the application*/
PROTO UINT8 nMaxSyncMan; /**< \brief Contains the maximum number of Sync Manager channels, will be initialized in ECAT_Main*/
PROTO UINT16 nMaxEscAddress; /**< \brief Max supported address by the ESC (register(0x1000) + size of the supported DPRAM in Byte)*/
PROTO UINT8 nAlStatus; /**< \brief Contains the actual AL Status, will be written in AL_ControlInd*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if EXPLICIT_DEVICE_ID) lines 536 to 538 deleted*/
PROTO UINT16 EcatWdValue; /**< \brief Contains the value of the watchdog in ms, will be written in StartInputHandler.
In case that the ESC watchdog feature is used this variable just indicates if the watchdog is enabled or disabled*/
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !ESC_SM_WD_SUPPORTED) lines 542 to 546 deleted*/
PROTO UINT16 nEscAddrOutputData; /**< \brief Contains the SM address for the output process data*/
PROTO UINT16 nEscAddrInputData; /**< \brief Contains the SM address for the input process data*/
------ Global Functions
PROTO void EnableSyncManChannel(UINT8 channel);
PROTO void DisableSyncManChannel(UINT8 channel);
PROTO void SetALStatus(UINT8 alStatus, UINT16 alStatusCode);
PROTO void AL_ControlInd(UINT8 alControl, UINT16 alStatusCode);
/*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !ESC_SM_WD_SUPPORTED) lines 565 to 569 deleted*/
PROTO void DC_CheckWatchdog(void);
PROTO void CheckIfEcatError(void);
PROTO void ECAT_Init(void);
PROTO void ECAT_Main(void);
#undef PROTO
/** @}*/