/* * This source file is part of the EtherCAT Slave Stack Code licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co KG, 33415 Verl, Germany. * The corresponding license agreement applies. This hint shall not be removed. * https://www.beckhoff.com/media/downloads/slave-stack-code/ethercat_ssc_license.pdf */ /** \addtogroup CoE CAN Application Profile over EtherCAT @{ */ /** \file coeappl.c \author EthercatSSC@beckhoff.com \brief Implementation This file contains an example for CoE services and the CoE object dictionary \version 5.13
Changes to version V5.12:
V5.13 CIA402 3: change define "CIA402_DEVICE" to "CiA402_SAMPLE_APPLICATION"
V5.13 COE1: handling objects with 255 entries
V5.13 COE10: change 0x10F1.1 access from "rw" to "ro"
V5.13 COE2: handle Backup entries with the code VAR
V5.13 COE6: add 0x10F0.2 (Backup parameter changed)
V5.13 COE7: define 0x1C3x.13 Shift Time too short, just define variable because expected in DC mode but shift mode is not supported by the SSC

Changes to version V5.11:
V5.12 COE1: load backup value after the complete OD was initialized
V5.12 COE4: add time stamp object (0x10F8) and update diagnosis handling
V5.12 COE8: fix invalid size calculation to init backup entries
V5.12 ECAT1: update SM Parameter measurement (based on the system time), enhancement for input only devices and no mailbox support, use only 16Bit pointer in process data length caluclation
V5.12 ECAT5: update Sync error counter/flag handling,check enum memory alignment depending on the processor,in case of a polled timer disable ESC interrupts during DC_CheckWatchdog

Changes to version V5.10:
V5.11 COE1: update invalid end entry in the object dictionaries (error with some compilers)
V5.11 COE3: change 0x10F3.2 (Sync Error limit) from UINT32 to UINT16 (according to the ETG.1020)
V5.11 ECAT10: change PROTO handling to prevent compiler errors
V5.11 ECAT4: enhance SM/Sync monitoring for input/output only slaves

Changes to version V5.01:
V5.10 COE1: Define one entry description for all 0x1C3x objects and change data type of SI11,12,13 to UINT16 (according ETG.1020)
V5.10 COE2: Change return value of Get ObjectSize to UINT32
Change object size to UINT32
V5.10 ECAT13: Update Synchronization handling (FreeRun,SM Sync, Sync0, Sync1)
Compare DC UINT configuration (by ESC Config data) vs. DC activation register settings
Update 0x1C3x entries

Changes to version V5.0:
V5.01 APPL3: Include library demo application
V5.01 COE1: Remove alignment entry (SI33) from objects 0x1C32/0x1C33
V5.01 EL9800 1: Read/Write functions for setting object 0x8020 moved to el9800appl.c
V5.01 EL9800 2: Add TxPdo Parameter object 0x1802
V5.01 SDO6: Update SDO response interface handling. (used if the object access function returns "ABORTIDX_WORKING" and SDO_RES_INTERFACE is active)

Changes to version V4.40:
V5.0 TEST1: Add test application. See Application Note ET9300 for more details.
V5.0 COE1: Add reserved Subindex7 to object 0x1C32 and 0x1C33.
V5.0 COE4: Create object dictionary on device startup.
V5.0 COE6: Update entry descriptions for object with the code ARRAY.
V5.0 ECAT2: Reference to application specific object dictionary is set to "ApplicationObjDic".

Changes to version V4.30:
V4.40 COE 6: change dynamic object dictionary handling
V4.40 CiA402 2: enable freerun Sync Mode for CiA402 Device (The motion controller application will only be triggered if DC Synchronisation is disabled)
V4.40 COE5: move identification and synchronisation object values to ecat_def.h
V4.40 DIAG1: Add diagnosis object 0x10F3
V4.40 OBJ3: Update the global object dictionary pointer if a new list head is added
V4.40 COE4: Prevent access NULL pointer
V4.40 SYNC1: Initialize 0x1C3x objects
V4.40 HW1: Add (adapt) objects for FC1100 support

Changes to version V4.20:
V4.30 OBJ 3: Handle object dictionary in double link list
V4.30 OBJ 2: General EtherCAT device objects are moved from chnappl.h to coeappl.c
V4.30 SYNC: set 0x1C32:05; 0x1C33:05 (minCyleTime) to MIN_PD_CYCLE_TIME (should be set dynamic if required)
V4.30 PDO: rename PDO specific function calls (PDO specific functions are moved to ecatappl.c)
V4.20 PIC24: Add EL9800_4 (PIC24) required source code
V4.11 ECAT 1: C166: MinDelayTime renamed in CalcAndCopyTime

Changes to version V4.07:
V4.10 ECAT 1: To save and restore arrays in the object directory.
The code to get the size of an array entry was changed.
V4.10 COE 1: The SM-Parameter were extended

Changes to version V4.06:
V4.07 COEAPPL 1: The PDO numbers were adapted according top the modular device profile,
the PDO numbers increment now with every module (in chnappl.h)
V4.07 COEAPPL 2: The example is working for the NIOS with the evaluation board DBC2C20 V1.2
which is available by Altera
V4.07 ECAT 1: The sources for SPI and MCI were merged (in ecat_def.h
set the switch MCI_HW to 1 when using the MCI,
set the switch SPI_HW to 1 when using the SPI

Changes to version V4.03:
V4.04 SDO 1: The SDO interface was changed in that way that a SDO response
could be sent by the application to a later time. In that case
the functions OBJ_Read and OBJ_Write shall return the value
ABORTIDX_WORKING. To send the SDO response the new function SDOS_SdoRes
has to be called by the application. While waiting for the call
of SDOS_SdoRes the SDO interface will answer to another SDO request
with the error MBXERR_SERVICEINWORK in the mailbox protocol.
In this example the reading and writing of object 0x8020 is delayed,
the function SDOS_SdoRes will be called from COE_Main.

Changes to version V4.00:
V4.01 COEAPPL 1: The object dictionary and the mapping functions are now defined
in chnappl.h (chnappl.inc made problems with some developing tools)

Changes to version V3.20:
V4.00 COEAPPL 1: The object dictionary and the mapping functions are now defined
in chnappl.c and were adapted to the modular device profile
V4.00 COEAPPL 2: The handling of backup parameters was included according to
the EtherCAT Guidelines and Protocol Enhancements Specification
V4.00 COEAPPL 3: The handling of the TxPDO Toggle was included according to
the EtherCAT Guidelines and Protocol Enhancements Specification
V4.00 COEAPPL 4: The handling of the TxPDO State was included according to
the EtherCAT Guidelines and Protocol Enhancements Specification
V4.00 ECAT 1: The handling of the Sync Manager Parameter was included according to
the EtherCAT Guidelines and Protocol Enhancements Specification */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ Includes ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ecat_def.h" #include "ecatslv.h" #define _COEAPPL_ 1 #include "coeappl.h" #undef _COEAPPL_ /*remove definition of _COEAPPL_ (#ifdef is used in coeappl.h)*/ #define _OBJD_ /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if DIAGNOSIS_SUPPORTED && !TEST_APPLICATION) lines 130 to 133 deleted*/ /*Add Application specific Objects*/ /*ECATCHANGE_START(V5.13) CIA402 3*/ /*ECATCHANGE_END(V5.13) CIA402 3*/ #include "cia402appl.h" /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#elif EL9800_APPLICATION) lines 141 to 152 deleted*/ #undef _OBJD_ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ Backup Parameter ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 161 to 168 deleted*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ Generic EtherCAT device object ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1000 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1000 (Device type) variable to handle the object data */ UINT32 u32Devicetype = (DEVICE_PROFILE_TYPE); /** * \brief 0x1000 (Device type) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x1000 = {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}; /** * \brief 0x1000 (Device type) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1000[] = "Device type"; /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1001 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1001 (Error Register) variable to handle the object data */ UINT16 u16ErrorRegister = 0x0; /** * \brief 0x1001 (Error Register) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x1001 = {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x08, ACCESS_READ}; /** * \brief 0x1001 (Error Register) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1001[] = "Error register"; /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1008 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1008 (Device name) variable to handle the object data */ CHAR acDevicename[] = DEVICE_NAME; /** * \brief 0x1008 (Device name) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x1008 = {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING, BYTE2BIT(DEVICE_NAME_LEN), ACCESS_READ}; /** * \brief 0x1008 (Device name) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1008[] = "Device name"; /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1009 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1009 (Hardware version) variable to handle the object data */ CHAR acHardwareversion[] = DEVICE_HW_VERSION; /** * \brief 0x1009 (Hardware version) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x1009 = {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING,BYTE2BIT(DEVICE_HW_VERSION_LEN), ACCESS_READ}; /** * \brief 0x1009 (Hardware version) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1009[] = "Manufacturer Hardware version"; /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x100A -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x100A (Software version) variable to handle the object data */ CHAR acSoftwareversion[] = DEVICE_SW_VERSION; /** * \brief 0x100A (Software version) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x100A = {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING,BYTE2BIT(DEVICE_SW_VERSION_LEN), ACCESS_READ}; /** * \brief 0x100A (Software version) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x100A[] = "Manufacturer Software version"; /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 271 to 397 deleted*/ /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1018 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1018 (Identity) variable to handle the object data */ TOBJ1018 sIdentity = {4, (VENDOR_ID), (PRODUCT_CODE), (REVISION_NUMBER), (SERIAL_NUMBER)}; /** * \brief 0x1018 (Identity) entry descriptions * * Subindex 000 * SubIndex 001: Vendor ID * SubIndex 002: Product code * SubIndex 003: Revision * SubIndex 004: Serial number */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM asEntryDesc0x1018[] = { {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x8, ACCESS_READ }, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}}; /** * \brief 0x1018 (Identity) object and entry names */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1018[] = "Identity Object\000Vendor ID\000Product Code\000Revision Number\000Serial Number\000\377"; /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 431 to 456 deleted*/ /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x10F1 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x10F1 (Error settings) entry description * Subindex 000 * SubIndex 001: Local Error Reaction * SubIndex 002: Sync Error Counter Limit */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM asEntryDesc0x10F1[] = { {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x8, ACCESS_READ }, /*ECATCHANGE_START(V5.13) COE10*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, /*ECATCHANGE_END(V5.13) COE10*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READWRITE}}; /** * \brief 0x10F1 (Error settings) object and entry names */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x10F1[] = "Error Settings\000Local Error Reaction\000Sync Error Counter Limit\000\377"; //object declaration and initialization in objdef.h /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x10F8 (Timestamp object) -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x10F8 (Timestamp object) entry description */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM sEntryDesc0x10F8 = { DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED64, 0x40, ACCESS_READWRITE | OBJACCESS_TXPDOMAPPING } ; /** * \brief 0x10F8 (Timestamp object) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x10F8[] = "Timestamp Object\000\377"; //object declaration and initialization in coeappl.h /** \param index index of the requested object. \param subindex subindex of the requested object. \param dataSize received data size of the SDO Download \param pData Pointer to the buffer where the written data can be copied from \param bCompleteAccess Indicates if a complete write of all subindices of the object shall be done or not \return result of the write operation (0 (success) or an abort code (ABORTIDX_.... defined in sdosrv.h)) \brief This function reads the object 0x10F8 */ UINT8 Read0x10F8(UINT16 index, UINT8 subindex, UINT32 dataSize, UINT16 MBXMEM * pData, UINT8 bCompleteAccess) { if (index != 0x10F8) { return ABORTIDX_PARAM_IS_INCOMPATIBLE; } if (bCompleteAccess) { /* Complete Access is not supported for object 0x10F8 */ return ABORTIDX_UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS; } if (subindex > 0) { return ABORTIDX_SUBINDEX_NOT_EXISTING; } if (dataSize > 8) { return ABORTIDX_PARAM_LENGTH_TOO_LONG; } COE_SyncTimeStamp(); MEMCPY(pData, &u64Timestamp, dataSize); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief This function updates the local time stamp object (0x10F8) and has to be called at least every 4.2sec to detect an 32Bit DC unit overrun. Called from the Timer handler *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_SyncTimeStamp(void) { if (b32BitDc) { UINT32 DcTime = (UINT32)(u64Timestamp & (UINT64)0x00000000FFFFFFFF); HW_EscReadDWord(DcTime, ESC_SYSTEMTIME_OFFSET); /*update the lower 32Bit*/ u64Timestamp = ((u64Timestamp & ((UINT64)0xFFFFFFFF00000000)) | (UINT64)DcTime); if (DcTime < u32LastDc32Value) { /*32Bit overrun*/ u64Timestamp = u64Timestamp + ((UINT64)0x0000000100000000); } u32LastDc32Value = DcTime; } else { /*The DC unit supports 64Bit => update the complete object*/ HW_EscRead((MEM_ADDR *)&u64Timestamp, ESC_SYSTEMTIME_OFFSET, 8); } u32CheckForDcOverrunCnt = 0; } /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1C00 -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1C00 (Sync manager type) variable to handle the object data * * SI 0 : 4 (4 SyncManagers available) * SI1 (SM0): Mailbox Out (0x1) * SI2 (SM1): Mailbox In (0x2) * SI3 (SM2): Process data Out (0x3) * SI4 (SM3): Process data In (0x4) * */ /*ECATCHANGE_START(V5.13)*/ TOBJ1C00 sSyncmanagertype = {0x04, {0x0201, 0x0403}}; /*ECATCHANGE_END(V5.13)*/ /** * \brief 0x1C00 (Sync manager type) entry descriptions * * The object is an array so only the first entry is described (which is used for all entries). */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM asEntryDesc0x1C00[] = { {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x08, ACCESS_READ}, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x08, ACCESS_READ}}; /** * \brief 0x1C00 (Sync manager type) object name */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1C00[] = "Sync manager type"; /*--------------------------------------------- - 0x1C3x -----------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief 0x1C3x (SyncManager parameter) entry description * * The entry descriptions are used for 0x1C32 and 0x1C33 */ OBJCONST TSDOINFOENTRYDESC OBJMEM asEntryDesc0x1C3x[] = { {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0x8, ACCESS_READ }, /* Subindex 000 */ /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !AL_EVENT_ENABLED && !DC_SUPPORTED) lines 635 to 637 deleted*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, (ACCESS_READ | ACCESS_WRITE_PREOP)}, /* SubIndex 001: Synchronization Type */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 002: Cycle Time */ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* SubIndex 003: Shift Time (not supported)*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 004: Synchronization Types supported */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 005: Minimum Cycle Time */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 006: Calc and Copy Time */ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* Subindex 007 Minimum Delay Time (not supported)*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READWRITE}, /* SubIndex 008: Get Cycle Time */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 009: Delay Time */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0x20, ACCESS_READWRITE}, /* SubIndex 010: Sync0 Cycle Time */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 011: SM-Event Missed */ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 012: Cycle Time Too Small */ /*ECATCHANGE_START(V5.13) COE7*/ {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED16, 0x10, ACCESS_READ}, /* SubIndex 013: Shift Too Short Counter*/ /*ECATCHANGE_END(V5.13) COE7*/ {0x0000, 0x10, 0}, /* Subindex 014: RxPDO Toggle Failed (not supported)*/ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* Subindex 015: Minimum Cycle Distance (not supported)*/ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* Subindex 016: Maximum Cycle Distance (not supported)*/ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* Subindex 017: Minimum SM Sync Distance (not supported)*/ {0x0000, 0x20, 0}, /* Subindex 018: Maximum SM Sync Distance (not supported)*/ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 019 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 020 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 021 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 022 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 023 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 024 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 025 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 026 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 027 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 028 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 029 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 030 doesn't exist */ {0x0000, 0, 0}, /* Subindex 031 doesn't exist */ {DEFTYPE_BOOLEAN, 0x01, ACCESS_READ}}; /* SubIndex 032: Sync error */ /** * \brief 0x1C32 (SyncManager 2 parameter) object and entry names */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1C32[] = "SM output parameter\000Synchronization Type\000Cycle Time\000\000Synchronization Types supported\000Minimum Cycle Time\000Calc and Copy Time\000\000Get Cycle Time\000Delay Time\000Sync0 Cycle Time\000SM-Event Missed\000Cycle Time Too Small\000Shift Time Too Short Counter\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Sync Error\000\377"; /** * \brief 0x1C33 (SyncManager 3 parameter) object and entry names */ OBJCONST UCHAR OBJMEM aName0x1C33[] = "SM input parameter\000Synchronization Type\000Cycle Time\000\000Synchronization Types supported\000Minimum Cycle Time\000Calc and Copy Time\000\000Get Cycle Time\000Delay Time\000Sync0 Cycle Time\000SM-Event Missed\000Cycle Time Too Small\000Shift Time Too Short Counter\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Sync Error\000\377"; /****************************************************************************** ** Object Dictionary ******************************************************************************/ /** * \brief Object dictionary pointer */ TOBJECT OBJMEM * ObjDicList = NULL; /** * \brief List of generic application independent objects */ TOBJECT OBJMEM GenObjDic[] = { /* Object 0x1000 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1000, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED32, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8)}, &sEntryDesc0x1000, aName0x1000, &u32Devicetype, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x1001 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1001, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8)}, &sEntryDesc0x1001, aName0x1001, &u16ErrorRegister, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x1008 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1008, {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8)}, &sEntryDesc0x1008, aName0x1008, acDevicename, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x1009 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1009, {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8)}, &sEntryDesc0x1009, aName0x1009, acHardwareversion, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x100A */ {NULL,NULL, 0x100A, {DEFTYPE_VISIBLESTRING, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8)}, &sEntryDesc0x100A, aName0x100A, acSoftwareversion, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 711 to 716 deleted*/ /* Object 0x1018 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1018, {DEFTYPE_IDENTITY, 4 | (OBJCODE_REC << 8)}, asEntryDesc0x1018, aName0x1018, &sIdentity, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 719 to 724 deleted*/ /* Object 0x10F1 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x10F1, {DEFTYPE_RECORD, 2 | (OBJCODE_REC << 8)}, asEntryDesc0x10F1, aName0x10F1, &sErrorSettings, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x10F8 */ { NULL,NULL, 0x10F8,{ DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED64, 0 | (OBJCODE_VAR << 8) }, &sEntryDesc0x10F8, aName0x10F8, &u64Timestamp, Read0x10F8, NULL , 0x0000 }, /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if DIAGNOSIS_SUPPORTED) lines 730 to 733 deleted*/ /* Object 0x1C00 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1C00, {DEFTYPE_UNSIGNED8, 4 | (OBJCODE_ARR << 8)}, asEntryDesc0x1C00, aName0x1C00, &sSyncmanagertype, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x1C32 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1C32, {DEFTYPE_SMPAR, 32 | (OBJCODE_REC << 8)}, asEntryDesc0x1C3x, aName0x1C32, &sSyncManOutPar, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /* Object 0x1C33 */ {NULL,NULL, 0x1C33, {DEFTYPE_SMPAR, 32 | (OBJCODE_REC << 8)}, asEntryDesc0x1C3x, aName0x1C33, &sSyncManInPar, NULL, NULL, 0x0000 }, /*end of entries*/ {NULL,NULL, 0xFFFF, {0, 0}, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0x000}}; /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !STATIC_OBJECT_DIC #else) lines 749 to 820 deleted*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ Functions ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief returns the pointer to the object dictionary *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OBJCONST TOBJECT OBJMEM * COE_GetObjectDictionary(void) { return (OBJCONST TOBJECT OBJMEM *) ObjDicList; } /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 838 to 1048 deleted*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief Update the Sync Error Indication *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_UpdateSyncErrorStatus(void) { if (sSyncManOutPar.u16CycleExceededCounter > 0 || sSyncManOutPar.u16SmEventMissedCounter > sErrorSettings.u16SyncErrorCounterLimit) /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !_PIC18 #else) lines 1059 to 1061 deleted*/ { sSyncManOutPar.u8SyncError = 1; } else { sSyncManOutPar.u8SyncError = 0; } if (sSyncManInPar.u16CycleExceededCounter > 0 || sSyncManInPar.u16SmEventMissedCounter > sErrorSettings.u16SyncErrorCounterLimit) /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if !_PIC18 #else) lines 1075 to 1077 deleted*/ { sSyncManInPar.u8SyncError = 1; } else { sSyncManInPar.u8SyncError = 0; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief This function initialize the several objects *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_ObjInit(void) { /* initialize the Sync Manager Output parameter object 0x1C32 */ sSyncManOutPar.subindex0 = 32; /* subindex 1 contains the actual synchronization mode, it could be written from the master to switch between ECAT FreeRun and ECAT Synchron Mode if the slave supports both modes, in DC mode (selected by the DC registers) this value will be overwritten with SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC0 or SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC1 */ /*default mode is ECAT Synchron Mode */ sSyncManOutPar.u16SyncType = SYNCTYPE_FREERUN; /* subindex 2 contains the cycle time of the application, in ECAT FreeRun mode it could be used for a timer interrupt to run the application, in ECAT Synchron mode it could be written from the master with its local cycle time that the slave can check if this cycle time is supported, in DC Mode this value will be overwritten with the DC cycle time register */ sSyncManOutPar.u32CycleTime = 0; /* the subindex 4 contains the supported synchronization types */ sSyncManOutPar.u16SyncTypesSupported = SYNCTYPE_FREERUNSUPP /* ECAT FreeRun Mode is supported */ #if (PD_OUTPUT_CALC_AND_COPY_TIME == 0) || (PD_INPUT_CALC_AND_COPY_TIME == 0) || (MIN_PD_CYCLE_TIME == 0) | SYNCTYPE_TIMESVARIABLE /* the execution times depend on the connected modules */ #endif | SYNCTYPE_SYNCHRONSUPP /* ECAT Synchron Mode is supported */ | SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC0SUPP /* DC Sync0 Mode is supported */ | SYNCTYPE_DCSYNC1SUPP /* DC Sync1 Mode is supported */ | SYNCTYPE_SUBCYCLESUPP /*Subordinated application cycles supported*/ ; /* subindex 5 contains the minimum cycle time the slave is able to support, will be calculated dynamically because it depends on the connected modules (in this example we will make an online measurement in the ESC Interrupt Routine). For the sample application this value is set to MIN_PD_CYCLE_TIME */ sSyncManOutPar.u32MinCycleTime = MIN_PD_CYCLE_TIME; /* only for DC Mode important: subindex 6 contains the minimum delay time the slave needs after receiving the SM2-event before the SYNC0(SYNC1) can be received without delays will be calculated dynamically because it depends on the connected modules (in this example we will make an online measurement in the ESC Interrupt Routine) */ sSyncManOutPar.u32CalcAndCopyTime = (PD_OUTPUT_CALC_AND_COPY_TIME); /*subindex 8: trigger cycle time measurement*/ sSyncManOutPar.u16GetCycleTime = 0; /*subindex 9: time from start driving outputs until outputs are valid*/ sSyncManOutPar.u32DelayTime = (PD_OUTPUT_DELAY_TIME); /*subindex 11: reset the sm missed error counter*/ sSyncManOutPar.u16SmEventMissedCounter = 0; /*subindex 12: reset the cycle exceed error counter*/ sSyncManOutPar.u16CycleExceededCounter = 0; /*subindex 32: indicates if a synchronisation error has occurred*/ sSyncManOutPar.u8SyncError = 0; /* initialize the Sync Manager Input parameter object 0x1C33 */ sSyncManInPar.subindex0 = 32; /* default mode is ECAT Synchron Mode, if output size > 0 the inputs are updated with the SM2-event */ sSyncManInPar.u16SyncType = SYNCTYPE_FREERUN; /* subindex 2: same as 0x1C32:02 */ sSyncManInPar.u32CycleTime = sSyncManOutPar.u32CycleTime; /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if MAX_PD_OUTPUT_SIZE > 0 #else) lines 1173 to 1175 deleted*/ /* subindex 4: same as 0x1C32:04 */ sSyncManInPar.u16SyncTypesSupported = sSyncManOutPar.u16SyncTypesSupported; /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#elif MAX_PD_INPUT_SIZE > 0) lines 1180 to 1198 deleted*/ /* subindex 5: same as 0x1C32:05 */ sSyncManInPar.u32MinCycleTime = MIN_PD_CYCLE_TIME; /* subindex 6: delay read inputs, calculation and copy to SM buffer*/ sSyncManInPar.u32CalcAndCopyTime = (PD_INPUT_CALC_AND_COPY_TIME); /*subindex 8: trigger cycle time measurement*/ sSyncManInPar.u16GetCycleTime = 0; /*subindex 9: delay to prepare input latch*/ sSyncManInPar.u32DelayTime = (PD_INPUT_DELAY_TIME); /*subindex 11: reset the sm missed error counter*/ sSyncManInPar.u16SmEventMissedCounter = 0; /*subindex 12: reset the cycle exceed error counter*/ sSyncManInPar.u16CycleExceededCounter = 0; /*subindex 32: incremented if a synchronisation error has occurred*/ sSyncManInPar.u8SyncError = 0; /*Indicate no user specified Sync mode*/ bSyncSetByUser = FALSE; { UINT16 result = COE_ObjDictionaryInit(); if(result != 0) { /*clear already linked objects*/ COE_ClearObjDictionary(); } } /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if SDO_RES_INTERFACE) lines 1233 to 1241 deleted*/ /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if SEGMENTED_SDO_SUPPORTED) lines 1243 to 1245 deleted*/ /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if BACKUP_PARAMETER_SUPPORTED) lines 1247 to 1259 deleted*/ { UINT32 EscFeature = 0; HW_EscReadDWord(EscFeature, ESC_FEATURES_OFFSET); EscFeature = SWAPDWORD(EscFeature); if ((EscFeature & ESC_DC_32BIT_MASK) > 0) { b32BitDc = FALSE; } else { b32BitDc = TRUE; HW_EscReadDWord(u32LastDc32Value, ESC_SYSTEMTIME_OFFSET); } u32CheckForDcOverrunCnt = CHECK_DC_OVERRUN_IN_MS; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \return 0 object successful added to object dictionary ALSTATUSCODE_XX add object failed \brief This function adds an object to the object dictionary *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT16 COE_AddObjectToDic(TOBJECT OBJMEM * pNewObjEntry) { if(pNewObjEntry != NULL) { if(ObjDicList == NULL) { /* Object dictionary is empty */ ObjDicList = pNewObjEntry; ObjDicList->pNext = NULL; ObjDicList->pPrev = NULL; return 0; } else if(ObjDicList->Index > pNewObjEntry->Index) { /*insert new object dictionary head*/ pNewObjEntry->pPrev = NULL; pNewObjEntry->pNext = ObjDicList; ObjDicList->pPrev = pNewObjEntry; ObjDicList = pNewObjEntry; return 0; } else { TOBJECT OBJMEM * pDicEntry = ObjDicList; while(pDicEntry != NULL) { if(pDicEntry->Index == pNewObjEntry->Index) { /*object already exists in object dictionary*/ return ALSTATUSCODE_UNSPECIFIEDERROR; } else if(pDicEntry->Index > pNewObjEntry->Index) { pNewObjEntry->pPrev = pDicEntry->pPrev; pNewObjEntry->pNext = pDicEntry; if(pDicEntry->pPrev != NULL) pDicEntry->pPrev->pNext = pNewObjEntry; pDicEntry->pPrev = pNewObjEntry; return 0; } else if(pDicEntry->pNext == NULL) { /*Last entry reached => add object to list tail*/ pDicEntry->pNext = pNewObjEntry; pNewObjEntry->pPrev = pDicEntry; pNewObjEntry->pNext = NULL; return 0; } else { /*The new object index is smaller than the current index. Get next object handle.*/ pDicEntry = pDicEntry->pNext; } } } } return ALSTATUSCODE_UNSPECIFIEDERROR; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief This function removes an object to the object dictionary *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_RemoveDicEntry(UINT16 index) { TOBJECT OBJMEM * pDicEntry = ObjDicList; while(pDicEntry != NULL) { if(pDicEntry->Index == index) { TOBJECT OBJMEM *pPrevEntry = pDicEntry->pPrev; TOBJECT OBJMEM *pNextEntry = pDicEntry->pNext; if(pPrevEntry != NULL) { pPrevEntry->pNext = pNextEntry; } if(pNextEntry != NULL) { pNextEntry->pPrev = pPrevEntry; } pDicEntry->pPrev = NULL; pDicEntry->pNext = NULL; /*Update Object dictionary pointer if list head was removed*/ if(pDicEntry->Index == ObjDicList->Index) { ObjDicList = pNextEntry; } return; } pDicEntry = pDicEntry->pNext; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief This function clear the object dictionary *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_ClearObjDictionary(void) { TOBJECT OBJMEM * pObjEntry = (TOBJECT OBJMEM *) ObjDicList; UINT16 Index = 0; while(pObjEntry != NULL) { Index = pObjEntry->Index; pObjEntry = pObjEntry->pNext; COE_RemoveDicEntry(Index); } ObjDicList = NULL; } UINT16 AddObjectsToObjDictionary(TOBJECT OBJMEM * pObjEntry) { UINT16 result = 0; TOBJECT OBJMEM * pEntry = (TOBJECT OBJMEM *)pObjEntry; while(pEntry->Index != 0xFFFF) { result = COE_AddObjectToDic(pEntry); if(result != 0) { return result; } pEntry++; } return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \return 0 object dictionary created successful ALSTATUSCODE_XX create object dictionary failed \brief This function initialize the object dictionary *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT16 COE_ObjDictionaryInit(void) { UINT16 result = 0; /*Reset object dictionary pointer*/ ObjDicList = NULL; result = AddObjectsToObjDictionary((TOBJECT OBJMEM *) GenObjDic); if(result != 0) { return result; } if(ApplicationObjDic != NULL) { result = AddObjectsToObjDictionary((TOBJECT OBJMEM *) ApplicationObjDic); } return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \brief is called for background calculations which should not influence the ECAT_Application in synchronous modes *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void COE_Main(void) { /*ET9300 Project Handler :(#if SDO_RES_INTERFACE) lines 1474 to 1516 deleted*/ } /** @} */