This is a lightweight C++ option parser library, supporting the standard GNU
style syntax for options.
Options can be given as:
--long argument
-abc argument
where c takes an argument, but a and b do not.
How to use:
#include <cxxopts.hpp>
Create a cxxopts::Options instance.
cxxopts::Options options;
Then use add_options.
("d,debug", "Enable debugging")
("f,file", "File name", cxxopts::value<std::string>())
Options can be declared with a short and/or long option. A description must be
provided. The third argument is the value, if omitted it is boolean.
To parse the command line do:
options.parse(argc, argv);
To retrieve an option use options.count("option") to get the number of times
it appeared, and
to get its value. If "opt" doesn't exist, or isn't of the right type, then an
exception will be thrown.
== TODO list ==
* Remove parsed options.
* Allow unrecognised options.
* Multiple occurences of options store in vector.